Subject: RFA: sketch -- 3D diagrams for TeX from scene description language
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 18:37:14 -0400
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I request an adopter for the sketch package.
I haven't used it for a while, so I'm not a great choice as a
maintainer. I'm willing to mentor a non-DD to get the hang of it.
The package description is:
Sketch is a simple system for producing line drawings of
three-dimensional objects and scenes. Sketch is intended to produce finely
wrought, mathematically-based illustrations with no extraneous detail
and be able to easily overlay TeX math and text. The input language is
reminiscent of PSTricks, so will be easy to learn for current PSTricks
users. It generates either PSTricks or TikZ/PGF code as output.
Note that this package is not the interactive vector drawing program
now known as skencil.
I am basically interested in taking over the maintenance of the sketch package (in the long run).
However, I have to admit that I have not used the package myself up to now, still, it might be become quite useful for the upcoming downwriting of my thesis.
Nor I have ever done packaging for Debian before (as my currrent software project is way to specific to be included in any linux distribution).
So, I would suggest, that first, I will have a closer look at the code and try compiling packaging it on my own.
Is the code from souceforge the last version from the original author?
Best wishes, Benedikt
Benedikt Häusele
PhD student
University of Konstanz
Physical Chemistry
Universitätsstraße 10 L1051
D-78457 Konstanz
Tel +49 (0) 7531 88-4808
Subject: RFA: sketch -- 3D diagrams for TeX from scene description language
Date: Sun, 5 May 2019 01:56:47 +0200
I am basically interested in taking over the maintenance of the sketch
package (in the long run).
However, I have to admit that I have not used the package myself up to
now, still, it might be become quite useful for the upcoming downwriting
of my thesis.
Nor I have ever done packaging for Debian before (as my currrent
software project is way to specific to be included in any linux
So, I would suggest, that first, I will have a closer look at the code
and try compiling packaging it on my own.
Is the code from souceforge the last version from the original author?
Best wishes, Benedikt
Benedikt Häusele
PhD student
University of Konstanz
Physical Chemistry
Universitätsstraße 10 L1051
D-78457 Konstanz
Tel +49 (0) 7531 88-4808