Britannica® School
Britannica School is a citable, online learning resource trusted by teachers and pupils.
The information in Britannica School is aligned to the national curriculum, updated daily and spans a range of media, including video, images and audio content. Curated and checked by professional editors, it is the must-have learning and teaching digital resource.
With the ability to browse by subject, look for biographies, explore the World Atlas, compare statistical information between different countries and discover interactive resources, Britannica School makes digital learning more accessible than ever.
The breadth of resources available means that whether a school has a diverse catchment, mixed-ability classes or encourages project-based learning, teachers can easily cater for different needs.
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Supporting teachers
Britannica® Spotlights, part of Britannica School, is a series of mini websites that focus on key dates or curriculum-specific topics. The websites bundle together relevant articles, learning resources and lesson plans to help teachers deliver effective and engaging lessons. With the flexibility to use the resources online or offline, Teachers can embed videos or print images with the click of a button.
Age appropriate
Whatever age the child, Britannica School encourages inquisitive minds in a safe online environment. We have created engaging features, such as quizzes, that encourage confidence in discovery and resources that make learning fun for younger children. For older students there is more challenging content and “how to” guides that help students prepare large projects and presentations confident in the knowledge that they are using accurate, fact-checked information.
Home learning
With anytime, anywhere access to Britannica School, students are able to access safe online resources to complete homework and develop their research skills using trustworthy, citable information. Britannica School also has tools that enable parents to support their child’s learning, so teachers, parents and children can all work in partnership using the same resources.
Britannica stood out and impressed us because of the proven quality and reliability of the articles.
Mojca Poharc, Head of Languages Department, Šolski center Celje
It has saved our teachers a lot of time in vetting online material to ensure that it is appropriate for our students.
E.A.M Weir, Principal, International School Twente