Alexandre Borges

Alexandre Borges

São Paulo, Brasil
30 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


1. General Professional Skills

[+] Reverse Engineering on Windows (mostly), Linux…


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  • Gráfico Blackstorm Security

    Blackstorm Security

    São Paulo, Brazil

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    São Paulo, Brazil

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    São Paulo Area, Brazil

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    São Paulo Area, Brazil

Formação acadêmica

Experiência de voluntariado

  • Gráfico Elsevier Author Services

    Member of the Advisory Board for Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation Journal

    Elsevier Author Services

    - o momento 8 anos 2 meses

    Formação acadêmica

    I am member of the advisory board, and my tasks are promote the journal and review articles submitted by researchers.

    Further information on:

  • Monthly Columnist and Writer

    Linux Magazine

    - 5 anos

    Ciência e tecnologia

    During the period I was a contributor for Linux Magazine, I wrote several articles and columns about OpenSolaris, Security, Linux, Metaploit, DTrace, Cryptography, etc.

  • Gráfico Oracle

    Author of articles on Oracle Technical Network (OTN)


    - 4 anos 3 meses

    Ciência e tecnologia

    I am an Oracle ACE who contribute to OTN by writing articles about Oracle Solaris 11, Oracle Database 12c and Oracle Linux 7.



  • Information Technology



  • Malwoverview

    Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, Malware Bazaar, ThreatFox, Triage, InQuest and it is able to scan Android devices against VT.

Reconhecimentos e prêmios

  • Sun Microsystems Instructor of the Year 2005

    Oracle (Sun Microsystems)

  • Sun Microsystems Instructor of the Year 2004

    Oracle (Sun Microsystems)


  • English

    Nível avançado

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