Linux: Command-line utilities for obtaining information
This post was written by eli on July 21, 2019
Posted Under: Linux,Notes to self,Server admin,systemd
Posted Under: Linux,Notes to self,Server admin,systemd
There are many ways to ask a Linux machine how it’s doing. I’ve collected a few of them, mostly for my own reference. I guess I’ll add more items as I run across new ones.
General Info
- inxi -Fxxxz (neat output, but makes the system send me security “password required” alert mails because of attempts to execute hddtemp).
- hwinfo
- lshw
- Temperature and fans: sensors
- hostnamectl (host name, kernel version, Distribution etc.)
- dmidecode: Lots of info on and by the BIOS (From computer model an make down to exact part number of installed DIMM memories etc.)
- Logs: journalctl and dmesg
- systemctl, with all its variants
- Network: ifconfig
- Wifi: iwconfig
- Bluetooth: hciconfig, bluetootctl, btmon (for dumping traffic)
- CPU: lscpu
- PCI bus: lspci
- USB: lsusb
- RAID: mdadm –detail /dev/md0
Operating system
- List open files: lsof
- Memory usage: free, lsmem and read /proc/buddyinfo
- Various kernel statistics (including memory): vmstat (takes info from /proc/stat and /proc/meminfo in particular)
- Block devices and partitions: blkid and lsblk
- List namespaces: lsns
- List loaded kernel modules: lsmod
- List locks: lslocks