This is void-star’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 459
  2. wishlist 215
  3. following 80
  1. Dry Spirit
    by Klinical
  2. PartyTool_001
    by Ternion Sound
  3. Wallace
    by Distinct Motive, Wraz
  4. Liquid Artefacts
    by ENiGMA Dubz
  5. Seeing Double
    by Paige Julia
  6. Sea Wolf
    by Drumterror
  7. The Awakening of SIBU
    by JLEON
  8. Ninna
    by Underson
  9. Scimitar
    by Mystic State
  10. Iso Time
    by Tout Casser
  12. Spacetime
    by Rumble
  13. Swan Talk (LOCUS033)
    by Pharma
  14. Christchurch, New Zealand
    254 releases 17 updates 2505 subscribers
  15. Poland
    VIP membership
    10 releases 0 updates 7 supporters
  16. Le Message
    by Argo
    VIP member exclusive
  17. Do It Like That
    by Kwizma
    VIP member exclusive
  18. Sample Pack vol. 1
    by Dungeon Beats
  19. Subrose - Ghostwave EP
    by Subrose
  20. Renegade VIP
    by LSN
    VIP member exclusive