This is thehackz’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 56
  2. wishlist 136
  3. following 75
  1. Barbershop Simulator™
    by slowerpace 音楽
  2. In Constant Change
    by Voyage Futur
  3. Before The Forest
    by FM Forest
  4. Inner Sphere
    by Voyage Futur
  5. Secret Earth
    by Voyage Futur
  6. Mother of Abyss
    by Magdalene
  7. Permaculture (​组​织​胜​过​时​间​)
    by modest by default
  8. Letting Go, Dying Slow
    by Opal Vessel
    by slowerpace 音楽
  10. Pok​é​Wave (Collector's Edition)
    by Neon95
  11. 街​で​夜​を​過​ご​す (Remastered)
    by Monodrone
  12. exotics
    by vcr-classique
  13. 新​年​の​新​し​い​挑​戦 (Special Edition)
    by Male Alchemy
  14. あ​な​た​は​い​つ​も​私​を​見​て​い​ま​す​ep (Special Edition)
    by Male Alchemy
  15. aristocracy (Special Edition)
    by Male Alchemy
  16. 押し出し
    by known artiste
  17. Slushwave For Airports
    by ΣNO 脳
  18. 死の競争 (Death Race)
    by Lost Colossus
  19. VOID-001 - ANUBIS-XIII
  20. FLOOR—122
    by 沙漠里的沙子晚上很温暖