This is Sr. Aye’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Sr. Aye

  1. Almería, Spain
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 73
  2. wishlist 8
  3. followers 14
  4. following 91
  1. Vespertine
    by Legiac
  2. Nostalghia
    by Momento Cumbre
  3. 3FOR82
    by Machinedrum
    by Global Goon
  5. Metrópoli
    by Guerrita & Ciclo
    Diggin Diggin
    Letras densas y afilás y Beats redondos. Discos como este son la prueba de que se sigue haciendo RAP en español. Gracias Ruanda.
  6. Stupor Mundi
    by Susana López aka Susan Drone
  7. [AF048] Dark Frontier EP
    by MOY
  8. curse
    by droneghost
  9. The Isolitics "Prefiero el fuego del infierno"
    by The Isolitics
  10. VA "Whateva"
    by galletarecords
  11. Diploide "I Love Diploide"
    by galletarecords
  12. Niño "3D"
    by galletarecords
  13. El Chavo / Strand feat. Soarse Spoken "Unauthorized split"
    by galletarecords
    by Serge Geyzel
  15. The Autumn Voices
    by STBL
  16. Sonic Wizard Spells
    by VoltageCtrlR
  17. Genus
    by Delay Grounds
  18. El largo mañana
    by Rufus T. Firefly
  19. Burient ep
    by Roel Funcken
  20. [AF042] Hexavalent EP
    by Roel Funcken