This is sleight1217’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Ambient
  1. collection 1008
  2. wishlist 1328
  3. followers 45
  4. following 411
  1. Solastalgia
    by Erik Wøllo
  2. From the Void
    by Hammock
  3. Drawing One Two
    by Sam Prekop
  4. skies of night
    by tom eaton
  5. Diaphanous
    by Innesti
  6. Luminary
    by Cheryl B. Engelhardt
  7. Loreana's Dream
    by State Azure
  8. Movie Dialogue Vol. 5 Free Sample Pack (Horror) #GM0112
    by GowlerMusic
  9. Planetes
    by Sofie Birch
  10. il mare cancella, di notte
    by Lamasz, come le onde
  11. New Xanthia 839 B
    by State Azure
  12. Tilt
    by Lukid
  13. CYCLICAL MAGAZINE 11 (PDF​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​/​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​AUDIO)
    by Cyclical Magazine
  14. Say Your Most Beautiful Word
    by Mahan Mirarab
  15. Streams III
    by State Azure
    by Various Artists
  17. Fogscapes
    by Jack Hertz
  18. Studio
    by Monolake
  19. Artemis Station
    by State Azure
  20. Ecliptic
    by State Azure