This is sharonshay’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Ambient
  1. collection 2842
  2. wishlist 1734
  3. followers 12
  4. following 1367
  1. Gold For Synths And Strings
    by Tusks
  2. Between the Mountains and the Sky [24 bits] free download
    by Astropilot
  3. Flame
    by Astropilot
  4. Summer's Fading Echo [24 bits]
    by Astropilot
  5. 4 Hits & A Miss - The Essential Richard Swift
    by Richard Swift
  6. Winter Day Chillout Vol.5
    by Plexus Music
  7. What's Going On
    by T. Honda
  8. Nostalgic Ambient
    by Germind
  9. Three Emperors (Split)
  10. Memories of Arda
    by Haryon
  11. Thangorodrim/Haryon - Under the Reign of a New Power
    by Haryon
  12. Murgrind - The Complete Epic (Remastered)
  13. Memories of Arda II
    by Haryon
  14. Goodnight from Horizon Rock
    by Allister Thompson
  15. Near North
    by The Gateless Gate
  16. Ethereally Obscure - The Best of "Box Set"
    by Allister Thompson - The Gateless Gate
  17. Lord Introvert
    by Matt Borghi and Allister Thompson
  18. Germania+
    by The Gateless Gate
  19. Unborn, Undying
    by The Gateless Gate
  20. We Need Light
    by The Gateless Gate