This is samus3099’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 27
  2. wishlist 21
  3. following 36
  1. Metroid: Dreadful Symphony
    by Sam Dillard
  2. Diana Ross - Upside Down (Never Dull Remix)
    by Never Dull
  3. Super Metroid (OST Recreated)
    by Jammin' Sam Miller
  4. Liberator
    by SynaMax
    The Metroid Prime 2 influence is strong …………………………………………………………………AND ITS AMAZING!
  5. Time Travel
    by Graham Van Pelt
  6. Flood
    by SynaMax
  7. Synths of Rage
    by Console Crusaders
  8. Wii Shop Channel (Remix)
    by Nicky Flowers
  9. Artificial Intelligence Bomb
    by naruto2413
    Add the vocal track version too!!
  10. Wii Shop Channel Remix (2021 Version)
    by Nicky Flowers
    Wii Slaps Channel
  11. XI
    by GaMetal
    Phazon's Prime (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Dark Samus Battle) Phazon's Prime (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Dark Samus Battle)
    Finally dark samus theme !!! Do more Metroid my guy you have to
  12. X
    by GaMetal
  13. Donkey Kong Country 2 + 3 OST [Recreated] + BOX
    by Jammin' Sam Miller
  14. Metroid Arrange 25th Anniversary Album
    by Bad Dudes
  15. Samus & Chill
    by Tune in with Chewie
  16. The Ghibli Tape
    by Mikel & Jokabi
  17. Super Mario Bros. 3
    by Michael Zucker
  18. Self-Titled & Night Chill
    by catbeats
  19. Nautilus
    by My Sister's Fugazi Shirt
  20. Super Meat Boy! Nice To Meat You LP
    by Danny Baranowsky