This is roifael’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 55
  2. wishlist 45
  3. followers 3
  4. following 74
  1. Voltæ (Chthulucene)
    by FOUDRE!
  2. Waterfall Variations
    by Rrose
  3. The Surgeon General
    by Rrose x Bob Ostertag
  4. Eating the Other
    by Rrose
  5. Primary Evidence
    by Rrose
  6. The Lotus Eaters II
    by Rrose x Lucy
  7. Please Touch
    by Rrose
  8. Monad XVI
    by Rrose
  9. Organ Studies Vol. 1
    by Rrose
  10. Merchant of Salt
    by Rrose
  11. Arc Unknown
    by Rrose
  12. Dermatology
    by Rrose x Polygonia
  13. Preretinal
    by Rrose
  14. Hymn to Moisture
    by Rrose
  15. The Ends of Weather
    by Rrose
  16. For Aquantice
    by Rrose
  17. The Goldennn Meeenn + Sheeenn
    by Charlemagne Palestine + Rrose
  18. Subject F (Transcendence)
    by Function
  19. Tulip Space
    by Rrose
  20. Beware of Shells
    by Rrose