This is mjb44’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Ohio
  2. Metal
  1. collection 718
  2. wishlist 408
  3. followers 28
  4. following 486
  1. Mutation
    by RedHook
  2. Do Not Go To War With The Demons Of Mazandaran
    by Lowen
  3. Psychostasia
  4. Beneath the Blazing Abyss
    by BARON
  5. On Fowl Of Tyrant Wing
    by BÜTCHER
  6. =Equation= EP
    by BalashToth
  7. In Service of the Dead
    by Sentient Horror
  8. Rites of Gore
    by Sentient Horror
  9. Seraphic Punishment
    by MAUL
  10. Caelestia
    by Skarlett Riot
  11. Coma
    by GAEREA
  12. All Belong to the Night
    by Drudkh
  13. Unleash the Beast
    by Lutharo
  14. Wings of Agony
    by Lutharo
  15. Kingdom Torn Asunder
  16. Supernatural Addiction
  17. Ancient Sword Cult
    by Writhen Hilt
  18. Bloom & Decay
    by Dawn Treader
  19. Evil Nights
    by Demon Spell
  20. Tropical Sun
    by FULCI