This is mechelek’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Experimental
  1. collection 12
  2. following 9
  1. False Awakening
    by NUM
  2. Trilogy for the Light
    by NUM
  3. Under Irradiation
    by NUM
  4. Untamed Terror
    by Maryam Sirvan
  5. It's Always the Same When It Comes to Change
    by NUM
  6. Galoba / გალობა
    by Milad Bagheri
  7. Isolated Room
    by NUM
  8. Songs of an Empty Room
    by Maryam Sirvan
  9. Vacant Shade
    by NUM
  10. I Am Walking in the Woods of Magic
    by NUM
  11. Memory Machine
    by NUM
  12. Everywhere's Gone Black
    by Maryam Sirvan