This is Max Caronte’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Max Caronte

  1. Varese, Italy
  2. Metal
  1. collection 1471
  2. followers 94
  3. following 3728
  1. nine seconds
    by coffret de bijoux
  2. Fata Morgana
    by Ascalapha
  3. Sanctuary Of Heretics
    by Sacrilegious Crown
  4. Odyssey in Times of War - Herald of the Morning Star
    by Hexcastle
  5. Aleqc​ë​s
    by Vëlhtrhaq
  6. Malinconica,Fragile,Mente
    by Chaos Luciferi,Alpamysh
  7. nine seconds
    by coffret de bijoux
    Pretty different from previous releases but absolutely wonderful, probably my favorite to date, thank you so much!
  8. Aleqcës
    by Vëlhtrhaq
  9. Promiscuous Lunar Sorcery
    by Shadows Of A Celestial Body
  10. Obsidian Gates
    by Ancient Kingdom
  11. Crá
    by Crá
  12. Poisoned In Our Youth/Under the White Roses
    by Shadows Of A Celestial Body
  13. "Through Dungeons Deep"
    by Zurgr
  14. D'​ü​'nexse p​ë​nns​ê​'es v​ï​sc​ë​aer​à​yle j'innst​å​ü​aerrs l​ë​yyns h​ô​t'​ë​sse​,​.​,​.​,​.​,
    by coffret de bijoux
  15. "Through Dungeons Deep"
    by Zurgr
  16. Fata Morgana
  17. Clouds Of May
    by Grieving Bloom
  18. Gone/The Pain That Never Leaves...
    by Moongazer
  19. Conjurer of the wind
    by Wind Cathedral
  20. D'ü'nexse pënnsê'es vïscëaeràyle j'innståüaerrs lëyyns hôt'ësse,.,.,.,
    by coffret de bijoux