This is mario_h’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 95
  2. wishlist 35
  3. followers 3
  4. following 32
  1. Hin helga kvöl (24-bit HD audio)
    by Sólstafir
  2. Book of Hours
    by Vegard
  3. The Shivering Forest
    by Wynter Myst / Vegard
  4. Bellum II
    by Aquilus
  5. Καταραμένα Λείψανα (LP)
    by Μνήμα
  6. Alunarian Bellmaster
    by AUREOLE
  7. Chaos, Darkness & Emptiness
    by Bane [Serbia]
  8. Rakshak
    by Bloodywood
  9. Blackbraid II
    by Blackbraid
  10. Ancestral War Hymns
    by Gyibaaw
  11. Saturnian Bloodstorm
    by Lamp Of Murmuur
  12. Cromleach
    by Akashah
  13. Unohdetun rituaalin planeetta
    by Cosmic Church
  14. Tähtisumun kuilu
    by Cosmic Church
  15. The Blessing
    by Cosmic Church
  16. The Blackhouse Sessions E.P.
    by Vegard
  17. Εφιάλτες του Απόλυτου Κενού
    by Μνήμα
  18. Arbor
    by Aquilus
  19. Gates Of Pestilence And Deceit (Split W/ Shadow Dungeon)
    by Silent Thunder
  20. Barefoot Ghost Dance on Blood Soaked Soil
    by Blackbraid