This is MajorMajorMajorThom’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Johannesburg, South Africa
  2. Experimental
  1. collection 51
  2. wishlist 3
  3. following 18
  1. Pseudoregalia OST
    by potatoTeto
  2. Dreams
    by Elephant Gym
  3. period
    by infinite bisous
  4. Sword & Sworcery LP - The Ballad of the Space Babies
    by Jim Guthrie
  5. Below OST - Volume II
    by Jim Guthrie
  6. Below OST - Volume III
    by Jim Guthrie
  7. Still There OST
    by Abstraction
  8. Lights Drip II (EP)
    by Her Stems Spiral
  9. Dungeon of the Endless Soundtrack
    by FlybyNo
  10. Everywhere at the end of time
    by The Caretaker
    by Her Stems Spiral
  12. Disintegration Revisited
    by TBTCI
  13. MUNYA
    by MUNYA
  14. Pipe Dreams
    by Regular Spread
  15. Table For One
    by Regular Spread
  16. Grounds
    by Gregory White
  17. Bateleur
    by Bateleur
  18. Below (Original Soundtrack)
    by Jim Guthrie
  19. Angle
    by Elephant Gym
  20. piano EP
    by yvette young