This is lecareux’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 40
  2. wishlist 2
  3. following 21
  1. SIDEFORM - Orbital Spin
    by Iboga Records
  2. Our Mind
    by Mercuroid
  3. Cyber Space
  4. Ace Ventura & Volcano - S1Mulat1On Nat1On
    by Sacred Technology
  5. All Around You
  6. Interstellar Intervention
    by Spirit Architect (Dacru Records)
  7. Psychedelic Experience
    by Blue Tunes Records
  8. Ra He'ya
    by Sub6 (TechSafari records)
  9. Sacred Geometry
    by Electric Universe
  10. Zoom
    by Blastoyz vs Ranji
  11. Acelera
    by Skazi (Blastoyz Remix)
  12. Human Design
    by Captain Hook
  13. Crystal Noise (Zyce Vs Flegma Remix)
    by Jaia, Wizzy Noise, Zyce, Flegma
  14. Come with Us (Asgard Remix)
    by Ace Ventura & Zen Mechanics (Iboga Records)
  15. Revolution
    by Liquid Soul (Iboga Records)
  16. From Earth
    by MoRsei
  17. Something Greater
    by Tresh (TechSafari records)
  18. Lost in the Universe (24 Bit)
    by Bellatrix
  19. Y-Salem (Invisible Reality Remix) (24 Bit)
    by Astral Projection
  20. Seven Gates
    by Astrix & Vertical Mode