This is inspiringCaution’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 79
  2. wishlist 15
  3. followers 2
  4. following 24
  1. Monarch of Monsters
    by Vylet Pony
  2. Casting Shadows
    by Aviators
  3. Monsters & Magic
    by General Mumble
  4. Mourning In Ponyville
    by General Mumble
  5. Jealousy (Synthis Remix)
    by Feather
  6. Waves
    by Synthis
  7. Bound With Time (Synthis Remix)
    by 4EverfreeBrony
  8. Fluttersky (Synthis Remix)
    by Seven Ponies
  9. Eternal Lullaby
    by Aviators
  10. Agadez
    by Etran de L'Aïr
  11. 100% Sahara Guitar
    by Etran de L'Aïr
  12. where do we begin?
    by Vylet Pony
  13. A Song That Never Ends
    by Aviators
  14. From Oceans to Skies
    by Aviators
  15. Stargazers
    by Aviators
    by PrinceWhateverer
  17. Enemy Undefined (Destabilize pt.3)
    by PrinceWhateverer & Jalmaan
  18. Fandom Fascism
    by Vylet Pony
  19. In A Rush (2023)
    by Vylet Pony
  20. Mystic Acoustics
    by Vylet Pony