This is Ian’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 16
  2. wishlist 86
  3. following 20
  1. Vanitas
    by Nachtblut
  2. Bodypop
    by And One
  3. Gangbusters Melody Club
    by Caravan Palace
  4. Unity
    by Pogo
  5. Free Tibet
  6. Alveolar (Deluxe)
    by E-an-na
  7. The Hero
    by Dismantled
  8. Lemniscate: Uncovered Volume 2
    by Unwoman
    Heavy In Your Arms Heavy In Your Arms
  9. La Solitude
    by Vernian Process
  10. Floare de Fier
    by E-an-na
  11. Călăuză
    by E-an-na
  12. Viu
    by E-an-na
  13. Doi
    by E-an-na
  14. Dulce
    by E-an-na
  15. Ies
    by E-an-na
  16. Behold the Machine
    by Vernian Process
    The Maiden Flight The Maiden Flight
    This album is so creative, and I love it so much, it gives me so many emotions and ideas, I can't stop listening to it, and most likely won't stop uwu