This is ari’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 1981
  2. wishlist 74
  3. followers 10
  4. following 133
  1. Employee Module 01 - Meditation & Self-Improvement
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  2. 熱死
    by 重水
  3. Future Lounge Vol. II
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  4. CrystalDeck™: [HoloSim] Terminal
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  5. Brain Fog
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  6. office punk
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  7. Complimentary Stay
    by TCR-4
  8. GPS
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  9. Future Lounge
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  10. Corporate Minimalism
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  12. Misc. Software II
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  13. overnight
    by TCR-4
  14. 🜚
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  15. Untitled Environments 1
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  16. Aquarium IV
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  17. ️️‍️‍️‍️️‍️‍️‍️️‍️‍️‍さまよう
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  18. 夢のシーケンス
    by 重水
  19. MemoryArmour (ft. Λtavistic エターニティー)
    by Mom and Dad's Computer
  20. VGA Waterfall
    by TCR-4