This is flemingsgold’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 41
  2. wishlist 238
  3. followers 2
  4. following 50
  1. Money Ties
    by Ren
  2. Ghost on the Road
    by A Shell in the Pit
  3. Menschen wie mir verzeiht man die Welt oder hasst sie (akustisch)
    by Sperling
    by Ren
  5. Troubles
    by Ren
  6. Hi Ren
    by Ren
  7. Sick Boi
    by Ren
  8. Aventine
    by Agnes Obel
  9. Hayfields
    by Yaelokre
  10. Tresorsession
    by Sperling
  11. run ⊳⊳
    by IKAN HYU
  12. Eisheilige Nacht - Back to Lindenpark
    by Subway To Sally
  13. Menschen wie mir verzeiht man die Welt oder hasst sie
    by Sperling
  14. Prince of Fire
    by Voyager
  15. Darkest Hour
    by Sevdaliza
  16. Song of Storms
    by Super Guitar Bros
    appears in 1 other collection
  17. Leinen los
    by Subway To Sally
    appears in 1 other collection
  18. Animal
    by Remy Sefi
  19. Icarus
    by The Crane Wives
  20. Zweifel
    by Sperling
    Mond Mond