This is fatskin1962’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Liverpool, UK
  2. Punk
  1. collection 7
  2. wishlist 2
  3. following 7
  1. Boom! Dynamite - An introduction to The Fabulous Courettes
    by The Courettes
  2. Psychedelic Village EP
    by Pete Bentham and the Dinner Ladies
  3. Hip Potater
    by Pete Bentham and the Dinner Ladies
    Hip Potater Hip Potater
    I keep bumping into Pete in the bogs in EBGB'S.

    Boss band.

    go see them live!
  4. I Heart Here
    by Pete Bentham and the Dinner Ladies
  5. 170
    by Anna Erhard
  6. Chaos EP
    by Loose Articles
  7. Machine Like Me
    by Nuha Ruby Ra