This is chrismacp’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Berlin, Germany
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 167
  2. wishlist 30
  3. followers 12
  4. following 89
  1. Living Proof EP
    by Ø [Phase]
  2. Nightbreak EP
    by Axel Karakasis
  3. Memories
    by DJ Bruce Lee
  4. Parallel Shift
    by Cybotron
  5. HVL - Lancet Mxi
    by Reclaim Your City
  6. KW056 - Ultimata
  7. Decima
    by Stef Mendesidis
  8. Strings / Vamped
    by Unknown Artist
  9. Play Hooky
    by Roland Casper
  10. Have you ever retired a human by mistake? - WUBC3
    by Oscar Mulero
  11. Ceiling
    by Matt TdK
  12. IT064 - Drone
    by Deetron presents Soulmate
  13. Dichromanticism EP
    by Llyr
  14. The Bills
    by Skee Mask
  15. KW055 - Hard Smoke
  16. sunset memories
    by MPU101
  17. Gamma State EP
    by Oliver Way
  18. Kosmik Trip EP
    by Human Rebellion
  19. Heimat II
    by Reclaim Your City
  20. La Mola (Psyk, VIL, A. Morgan and Makuto)
    by Various Artist