This is c1c3’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Berlin, Germany
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 109
  2. wishlist 180
  3. followers 2
  4. following 175
  1. Bright Sparkling Light
    by Matthew Halsall
  2. Aria Aperta
    by Big Hands & Abraham Parker
  3. Javano - Metropolis
    by Temple of Sound
  4. The Way Out of Easy
    by Jeff Parker ETA IVtet
  5. Ursa Minor
    by Mantra
  6. Manta
    by Cousin
  7. Twice Lived
    by Sanguine
  8. Cousin (OTIS010)
    by Cousin
  9. Fear Dem / Oncle Arm [AMAR006]
    by AU
  10. Unthemes (Rarities: 2008-2014)
    by That Ghost
  11. Forgotten
    by Beta 2 and Zero T
  12. Chatta
    by Z. James
  13. Persuasive Percussion
    by Itoa
  14. Lighthouse Dub / Lighthouse Dub (Pinch remix)
    by Monkeysteak
  15. Chant
    by FLVXXX Feat. A-Tweed
  16. Spirit
    by Jay Tripwire Tyler Stadius
  17. New York Sessions
    by Omni A.M.
  18. Days Of Our Lives
    by Doctors Pepper and Fashion
  19. Fan Needed
    by DJ Spence
  20. Burnski - Process
    by Constant Sound