This is britishsteel’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 56
  2. wishlist 61
  3. followers 1
  4. following 44
  1. White is the new Red
    by White Pèrill & friends
  2. Funesta Epifania
    by L'Espectre Que Alimenta La Flama Dels Ancestres
  3. De spiegel
    by Morvigor
  4. Mouth Of Ruin
    by Maridia
  5. Ghost Light
    by Stygian Love
  6. 3:33
    by Mind Prisoner
  7. Wounds : reclaimed
    by Ulva
  8. Efluvis de memòries genètiques (Krautrock mediterrani)
    by White Pèrill
    Efluvis de memòries genètiques Efluvis de memòries genètiques
    Suggestive sci-fi ambient music with two very different flavors (the first one more dreamy, but with a gloomy shade and the second one more computery/mathy), but with a holistic conception. I agree with the artist that it is music that asks for headphones.
  9. Una mort de la plana
    by Bonestorm
  10. Before the Fire Fades
    by Criptadel, Khüll, Lord Bakartia
  11. Zmora
    by Białywilk
  12. Beneath The Harm
    by Feminizer
  13. An Abscess on the Heart of the State
    by Tumultuous Ruin
  14. Punished for Existing
    by Liminalanimal
  15. Involuntary Akt of Aggression
    by HateVirus
  16. Book V: Earth is to Keep Silence
    by The Golden Bough
  17. Inversum Nema
    by COURE
  18. Martiris Carnívors: Himnes per a un Nou Apocalipsi
  19. Split
    by Bury Them And Keep Quiet / Feminizer
  20. El gran desgavell
    by francescgarcia