This is boringcactus’ music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Electronic
  1. collection 106
  2. wishlist 38
  3. followers 3
  4. following 76
  1. Afro Pessimist
    by CENSORED dialogue
  2. cover photo
    by CENSORED dialogue
  3. Easy Day/Cry No More
    by CENSORED dialogue
  4. 911 (feat. Titmouse)
    by CENSORED dialogue
    by CENSORED dialogue
  6. Afro Pessimist REMASTERED
    by CENSORED dialogue
  7. Pyrex Housecat
    by CENSORED dialogue
  8. Three 9s (demo version)
    by CENSORED dialogue
  9. Our Lady Of...
    by Ernest Gonzales
  10. Bathing Beach EP
    by Novo Amor
  11. American Football
    by American Football
  12. The Albatross
    by Foxing
  13. Twin Fantasy
    by Car Seat Headrest
  14. This City Is Killing Me
    by Dusty Brown
  15. Weightless
    by Animals As Leaders
  16. Woodgate, NY
    by Novo Amor
  17. Wild Light
    by 65daysofstatic
  18. Mutiny Sunshine
    by Talkdemonic
  19. Goodness
    by The Hotelier
    by HEALTH