This is borkthrone’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 1711
  2. wishlist 3581
  3. followers 56
  4. following 667
  1. For Halcyon Days [Bonus Track]
    by Words of Farewell
  2. Overture [Bonus Track]
    by Words of Farewell
  3. Anarchos
    by A Mind Confused
  4. 4 EPs
    by Ride
  5. Gala
    by Euroshima
  6. Smoke
    by Snuffed on Sight
  7. Portals to Canaan
    by Deeds of Flesh
  8. The Thoughts From Which I Hide
    by Vehemence
  9. The Barren Throne
    by Beneath
  10. Obedience
    by Bloodtruth
  11. Imperium
    by Internal Bleeding
  12. "The Final Chapter" - 12"
    by Filth of Mankind
  13. Dystopia
    by Dystopia
  14. Offcuts
    by To The Grave
  15. Algorithmic Salvation
    by The Zenith Passage
  16. Mephitic
    by AHTME
  17. Designed Obsolescence
    by Continuum
  18. Scryers of the Ibis
    by Ovids Withering
  19. Abhorrent Obsessions
    by Carrion Vael
  20. Homo Divisus
    by Deathbringer