This is Antoine’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Montreal, Québec
  2. Metal
  1. collection 54
  2. followers 6
  3. following 87
  1. Blessing of Despair
  2. Vial
    by Sallow Moth
  3. Sisyphean Cruelty
    by Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean
  4. A Reckoning With The Intangible
    by Feral Light
  5. Upon the Hills of Divination
    by Sun Worship
  6. Pallid Veil
    by Pallid Veil
  7. Deformity Adrift: Reformed
    by Nightmarer
  8. A Fragile Recollection Of Bygone Mysticism
    by Tomb Of Entrails
  9. L'Impôt du Sang
    by Conifère
  10. VE
    by Förfallet
  11. The Orwellian Dream
    by Sentiment Dissolve
  12. Penitence
    by Apes
  13. This Pitiful Flesh
    by As Thou Wilt
  14. Through the Mountains of Melancholia
    by Luck Wont Save You
  15. Melting Sun
    by Lantlôs
  16. euphoria again
    by euphoria again
  17. Everyone Everywhere (2012)
    by Everyone Everywhere
  18. Nuclear Summer
    by Nuclear Summer
  19. My Misery is Carved Into the Flesh of This World
    by Isleptonthemoon
  20. Until the Wind Stops Blowing...
    by Clouds Collide