This is antiversum’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 1522
  2. wishlist 417
  3. followers 72
  4. following 514
  1. EOD : A Tale Of Dark Legacy
    by The Great Old Ones
  2. Cosmicism (Digital Deluxe Edition)
    by The Great Old Ones
  3. Kadath
    by The Great Old Ones
  4. Hammergeddon 666 - Die Katakomben betritt man nicht allein
    by Nocte Obducta
  5. Landhaskur
    by Dewfall
  6. Upon the Hills of Divination
    by Sun Worship
  7. The Blame Dagger (2024)
    by Nubivagant
  8. Winternacht
    by Motherwood
  9. A Fading Elegy
    by Motherwood
  10. Nostalgie
    by Motherwood
  11. Distance
    by Motherwood
  12. Motherwood
    by Motherwood
  13. Im Zeichen der Dunkelheit
    by Motherwood
  14. Tassel of Ares
    by Serpent Column
  15. Muuntautuja
    by Oranssi Pazuzu
  16. A Shadow Of What Once Was
    by Wolvencrown
  17. Wolvencrown
    by Wolvencrown
  18. Polar Veil
    by Hexvessel
  19. Indsigt
    by Angantyr
  20. Portal
    by Häxenzijrkell