This is ajoajo’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 7
  2. wishlist 45
  3. followers 1
  4. following 53
  1. AAR018 - Nite Fleit / False Persona - Acid Avengers 018
    by Nite Fleit / False Persona
  2. Klockworks 26
    by Stef Mendesidis
  3. Klockworks 19
    by ROD
  4. Nova
    by Regent
  5. Superwoman 2.0
    by MRD
  6. Simulation
    by Regent
  7. Your Last Everything
    by Soft Crash
    Your Last Everything, Part II Your Last Everything, Part II
    For me, this album exquisitely articulates the duality of both optimistic nihilism and energetic dystopia that constantly consumes my mind. It does all the explaining and feeling for me.