This is Nemorivagant’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Las Vegas, Nevada
  2. Ambient
  1. collection 1431
  2. followers 13
  3. following 1070
  1. Nagyobb nálam (Full-length)
    by BÁL
  2. Drómi
    by Skynbrögð
  3. Songs From The Depths Of Grief (Compilation Album)
    by Gormoth
  4. Survive After Death (Split)
    by BÁL / Marla Van Horn
  5. Mournful Winter
    by Gormoth
  6. Az Élet Alkonya
    by Gormoth
  7. When The Night Takes Us
    by Gormoth / Chaos Luciferi
  8. Egy haldokló látomásai
    by ForevercolD / BÁL
  9. Sírboltod alatt
    by Forevercold
  10. Despair Is Where My Thoughts Swim
    by Nobody
  11. Veiled Beneath The Shroud of Grief & Misery
    by The Sun’s Journey Through The Night
  12. Spleen
    by Orphans of Dusk
  13. A Tribute To Burzum Filosofem (EP)
    by BÁL
  14. Wounds Of The Withering Heart
    by Gormoth
  15. Téli csillagok között
    by Gormoth
  16. Transcending to R'lyeh
    by Pythonissam (US)
  17. Lélektől lélekig
    by Gormoth
  18. Somnolences - В память о тебе (Single)
    by Somnolences
  19. Aspercrucio - Стены безмолвия
    by Dark East Productions
  20. Sucking Leech - Errordynamic
    by Sucking Leech