Discover the Game Concepts of New Indie Studios! On December 21, the Concept Showcase event of the Gamepons Compass game incubation program, organized jointly by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Gamepons, will take place. During the event, studios accepted into the incubation program will present the concepts of their games. 📋 To participate in the event, please fill out the registration form via the link below: 🔗 Link: 📆 Date: December 21, 12:00 📍 Venue: Creative HUB (Mehdi Mehdizade Street 29, Khatai district, Baku, 8th floor) #gamepons #gameponscompass #yaradıcıaz #gamedev
About us
Gamepons is a gamedev hub & educational center for game developers, game artists and game designers in Baku, Azerbaijan. Gamepons is your bridge into the gamedev!
- Website
External link for Gamepons
- Industry
- Computer Games
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Baku, Baku
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2020
- Specialties
- gamedev, investment, game development, game design, game art, game production, community, hub, and education
Ataturk ave. 89
Gamepons (eGOV)
Baku, Baku az 1025, AZ
Employees at Gamepons
📣 Attention to Game Designers and those interested in Game Development! On December 21, a workshop titled "Game Concept Creating" will be held by Game Designer Ilgar Alirzayev. 👾 During the event, participants will learn about the process of creating game concepts, effective methods for generating creative game ideas, and strategies for the practical application of brainstorming techniques. Additionally, the event will cover challenges encountered during the initial stages of game creation and their solutions, as well as methods for designing game concepts suitable for various genres. Seats are limited, so don't forget to register in advance using the link below. Link: 📆 Date: December 21, 14:30 PM 📍 Location: Creative Center (Mehdi Mehdizade Street 29, Khatai District, Baku) #gamepons #igda #gamedev
📣 Attention to those who want to improve their game design skills! On December 21, a workshop titled "Introduction to Games and Interactive Media"will be held by Game Designer Ilgar Alirzayev. 👾 During the event, participants will gain fundamental knowledge about the basic principles of games, the structure and functionality of game elements, their creation methods, and the principles of how these elements work together. Seats are limited, so don't forget to register in advance using the link below. Link: 📆 Date: December 21, 13:00 PM 📍 Location: Creative Center (Mehdi Mehdizade Street 29, Khatai District, Baku) #gamepons #igda #gamedev
📣Oyun biznesi və bazara çıxış yolları ilə maraqlananlar üçün qaçırılmayacaq bir mövzu! 🚀14 dekabr tarixində "Gamepons Compass" oyun inkubasiyası proqramı çərçivəsində yerli oyun studiyası “Darts Games”-in həmtəsisçisi Novruz Cavadovun təqdimatında "Oyun bazarı araşdırması" mövzusunda tədbir keçiriləcək. 🎯Tədbirdə yeni yaranmış studiyaların oyun bazarına daxil olma yolları və yerli oyun studiyalarının beynəlxalq bazarlara çıxış imkanları haqqında məlumat veriləcək. Həmçinin oyunçuların tələbləri və yeni trendlər müzakirə ediləcək. 👾Oyun tərtibatı sahəsində karyera qurmaq istəyənlər və ümumilikdə oyun biznesi ilə maraqlanan hər kəs tədbirə dəvətlidir. ⚡️ Yerlər məhduddur! Qeydiyyatdan keçmək üçün aşağıdakı linkə keçid edin. Link: 📆Tarix: 14 Dekabr 15:00 📍Ünvan: Yaradıcı Mərkəz (Bakı şəhəri, Xətai rayonu, Mehdi Mehdizadə küçəsi 29, 8-ci mərtəbə) #gamepons #yaradıcıaz #dartsgames
Congratulations to our partners in IT Park Uzbekistan on the launch of GameDevHQ Academy! This is an exciting step toward empowering the gaming industry and fostering creativity in the region. Wishing great success to the academy and its future cohorts!
#event #gamedev 🎮 The launch of GameDevHQ Academy: a pivotal moment in solidifying Uzbekistan’s standing within the global gaming industry Commencing in February 2025, the Academy will begin enrolling its first cohorts into educational programs, developed in collaboration with leading companies in the gaming sector. The academy is poised to serve as a catalyst for the creation of successful startups, the attraction of investments, and the strengthening of Uzbekistan’s creative economy. Read more on our website:
📣 Epic Games Global Partnerships Director, Fasieh Mehta, in Azerbaijan by special invitation from Gamepons! 🎯 On December 6th at 6:30 PM, join an open community meeting with Fasieh Mehta, a prominent figure in the gaming industry and a mentor to hundreds of young developers. This unique event is organized by Gamepons, IGDA Azerbaijan, and the Unreal Engine Sumgait Chapter. 👾 At the event, Fasieh Mehta will share insights on game development using Unreal Engine and UEFN, revenue opportunities for indie developers, and career growth in the gaming industry. The meeting will be in a casual, conversational format, allowing participants to ask questions and network with industry experts. 📆 Date: December 6th, 6:30 PM 📍 Location: Creative Center (29 Mehdi Mehdizade Street, 8th floor, Khatai district, Baku) #gamepons #igdaazerbaijan #UESC #gamedev #epicgames
Announcement: Introduction to the INCYMO.AI Platform We invite you to an online event with Anna Zdorenko, the founder of INCYMO.AI! During the event, Anna Zdorenko will introduce the advanced AI tools offered by the INCYMO.AI platform. 🗓 Date: 27 November, 19:00 🌐 Platform: Google Meets (online) Link: #gamepons #igda #ai #gamedev
📣 Gamepons Opens its Office in Poland! 🚀 Fuad S. will coordinate the activities of the Gamepons office in Poland. Previously working as a Unity game developer at Funtick Games and Shahmuradov Games game studios, Fuad Shahmuradov is currently studying Game Design at Futuregames Warsaw in Poland. 👾 His portfolio includes the award-winning 2D platform game "Parallel Destiny", "Mr. Mat Hematic", and other game projects. 🎯 Representing the Azerbaijani game industry in the European market andincreasing local ecosystem interest from international investors is among the project's strategic goals #gamepons #poland #gamedev
🎮 Səbirsizliklə gözlənilən “GAMEPONSJAM” geri döndü! 📣29 Noyabr - 1 Dekabr tarixlərində baş tutacaq “Gameponsjam Vol. 2” oyun hakatonuna qatılmaq üçün hazır olun! 🏆 Bu dəfə də möhtəşəm mükafatlar və güclü rəqabət sizləri gözləyir! "Gameponsjam"-da iştirak edən komandalar açılış mərasimində təqdim olunan xüsusi mövzu üzrə orijinal oyun konsepsiyası hazırlamalı və 48 saat ərzində işlək oyun prototipini münsiflər heyətinə təqdim etməlidirlər. Əyləncə, oyun mexanikası və mövzuya uyğunluq meyarları əsasında ən yüksək nəticə göstərən üç qalib komandaya dəyərli mükafatlar təqdim ediləcək. Oyun hakatonunda iştirak etmək üçün hər komanda 2-4 nəfərdən ibarət olmalı, həmçinin hər bir komanda üzvü qeydiyyat formunu fərdi şəkildə doldurmalıdır. Qeydiyyat linki: ‼️Qeyd: “Game Jam” müddətində ofis 24 saat açıq olacaq. 📆Açılış mərasimi: 29 Noyabr saat 18:30 📍Ünvan: Gamepons (Bakı şəhəri, Xətai rayonu, Mehdi Mehdizadə küçəsi 29, 9-cu mərtəbə) #gamepons #gameponsjam #gamedev #azerbaijan
🎮 Mindful Creative Minds and Game Developers! 🚀 We invite you to a great session with industry expert Animu Konata: "Creating Visual Novels: Tips and Tricks" 🌟 What will you learn? • Innovative narrative design techniques • Character development strategies • Interactive storytelling secrets • Solving creative problems in game creation Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned creator, this event will inspire and equip you with the tools you need to bring your visual novel ideas to life. 🗓 Date: November 26, 19:00 📍 Location: Creative Hub (Mehdi Mehdizade Street 29, 8th floor, Khatai district, Baku) Let's create together! 🎨✨ #gamepons #gamedev #igda #storytelling