With the year’s end approaching, we’ve taken a moment to reflect.
However, we’ve remained aware that for nature, a year is but a moment. Trees measure their lives in decades, coral reefs in centuries, and the Earth itself in eons. What truly endures isn’t the turn of a calendar page, but the ripple effects of our actions.
As 2025 draws closer, 2030 and 2100 are drawing closer too.
Humans are one species among millions, yet our influence on the future of all life is immense. This influence comes with a responsibility to think beyond ourselves, to consider every species we share this planet with and the intricate systems that connect us all. And therein lies the key to tackling the biodiversity crisis. We must think in stages and systems. We must reimagine the world we want now and the world we’ll never see. And we must take the time to celebrate small wins without losing sight of the long journey ahead.
Every day, all of us co-write the future.