Borahm Cho
Wien, Wien, Österreich
1447 Follower:innen
500+ Kontakte
Versatile product leader and entrepreneur with a proven track record in building and…
Artikel von Borahm Cho
AI + Design Education 👉 The first KITeGG publication is out ⚡️
AI + Design Education 👉 The first KITeGG publication is out ⚡️
Beliebt bei Borahm Cho
Fachhochschule Konstanz - Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung
• Thesis: Interactive Magazine Concepts (Grade 1,3): Prototyped an interactive personal trainer merged with magazine content that had programming and community functionality. The objective was to develop a service that takes the mentoring approach of Men‘s Health and turns that into a lively community and application.
• O2 Interactive store front installation (2009): Based on their campaign (Doodle While You Talk) we converted store fronts to interactive doodle windows that allowed…• Thesis: Interactive Magazine Concepts (Grade 1,3): Prototyped an interactive personal trainer merged with magazine content that had programming and community functionality. The objective was to develop a service that takes the mentoring approach of Men‘s Health and turns that into a lively community and application.
• O2 Interactive store front installation (2009): Based on their campaign (Doodle While You Talk) we converted store fronts to interactive doodle windows that allowed anyone to doodle on it.
• Heroes of Everyday Life (2007): Designed a web community for students to find interesting things and discounts at local businesses. Local shops created happy hours, deals, and recipes that were online/offline “Hero” cards. -
Six Routes
The final stop on our six country tour is America, where we ask whether the famous land of opportunity still lives up to its promise. As the American dream has been exported throughout the world, does it still apply to people building their businesses here?
Marketplace's Lizzie O'Leary heads to Silicon Valley to find out if the boom can lift local aspirations when the new gilded age is so globalised. Krissy Clark then visits Ohio, where the promise of a previous…47:30-53min
The final stop on our six country tour is America, where we ask whether the famous land of opportunity still lives up to its promise. As the American dream has been exported throughout the world, does it still apply to people building their businesses here?
Marketplace's Lizzie O'Leary heads to Silicon Valley to find out if the boom can lift local aspirations when the new gilded age is so globalised. Krissy Clark then visits Ohio, where the promise of a previous century has evaporated. And in New York we look at how America stacks up against the world's emerging economies and ask how long it can continue to be number one.
Will the country remain the focus for the aspirations of the new global middle class? We hear from entreprenuers who have come to New York from around the world, hoping that that America is still the best place to make a modern fortune. -
Economy Stories – Going global with local cuisine
Deutsche Bank
Borahm Cho left his native Hamburg for New York to found Kitchensurfing, a startup that allows you to book professional chefs to cook in your own private kitchen. Florian and Azadeh opened up their chain of restaurants, Herman ze German, to bring German sausage from the Black Forest to London. Meet these three young, hungry entrepreneurs in the fifth video in our series #EconomyStories.
In #EconomyStories we introduce you to people with creative ideas, innovative business models and…Borahm Cho left his native Hamburg for New York to found Kitchensurfing, a startup that allows you to book professional chefs to cook in your own private kitchen. Florian and Azadeh opened up their chain of restaurants, Herman ze German, to bring German sausage from the Black Forest to London. Meet these three young, hungry entrepreneurs in the fifth video in our series #EconomyStories.
In #EconomyStories we introduce you to people with creative ideas, innovative business models and striking economic concepts from around the world. -
Kitchensurfing: Sharing the Pleasure.
Mercedes Benz
Those who invite chefs to their homes can enjoy a more laid-back meal, higher quality treats – and the whole kitchen surfing experience – the latest start-up craze from New York. We took the plunge and tested the service.
Entrepreneur Portrait: Borahm Cho, Kitchensurfing
New York International
Borahm Cho, originally from Germany and now living the Brooklyn life, co-founded Kitchensurfing in 2012 along with his partner Chris Muscarella. Kitchensurfing connects local chefs with people who want to host a meal in their home for occasions ranging from dinner parties to date nights. Borahm was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in 2014. He recently sat down with New York International to discuss his inspiration for starting the company, his thoughts on the gig economy, and his experience as…
Borahm Cho, originally from Germany and now living the Brooklyn life, co-founded Kitchensurfing in 2012 along with his partner Chris Muscarella. Kitchensurfing connects local chefs with people who want to host a meal in their home for occasions ranging from dinner parties to date nights. Borahm was named one of Forbes’ 30 Under 30 in 2014. He recently sat down with New York International to discuss his inspiration for starting the company, his thoughts on the gig economy, and his experience as an international entrepreneur in New York City.
Take-Away Chefs
Founder Story — How Borahm Cho co-founded Kitchensurfing, a marketplace around his love for home-cooked meals.
Exclusive: Kitchensurfing raises $15 million for private chef marketplace
Series B announcement.
'Small Empires': Kitchensurfing and the disruption of the private chef
The Verge
The beginning.
Kitchensurfing Wants to Make Dinner at Your House, With Help From Union Square Ventures
Series A announcement.
Ein Koch im Haus
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Kitchensurfing in one of the most respected german newspapers.
Private chef service Kitchensurfing grabs $1 million, expands beyond New York
Seed round announcement.
With a Click, a Meal and a Story
The New York Times
Kitchensurfing in the New York Time.s One of the most popular reads at the time and it was also published in the printed version of the NYTIMES.
Zuhause zu Gast beim Kitchensurfing
Radio interview about Kitchensurfing.
Bodensee. Strandbäder & Thermen
Was wäre schon eine sommerliche Runde auf dem Bodensee-Radweg oder ein Stadtbummel, ohne sich an heißen Tagen bei einem Sprung ins Nass des drittgrößten Binnensees Mitteleuropas zu erfrischen? Die Palette der „offiziellen“ Badestellen reicht von urigen Naturstrandbädern bis hin zu architektonisch durchgestylten Thermalbädern. Allen gemein sind eine durchweg gut gepflegte Infrastruktur und die ausgezeichnete Wasserqualität. Im Bodensee baden heißt in Trinkwasser baden. Immerhin kommt allein in…
Was wäre schon eine sommerliche Runde auf dem Bodensee-Radweg oder ein Stadtbummel, ohne sich an heißen Tagen bei einem Sprung ins Nass des drittgrößten Binnensees Mitteleuropas zu erfrischen? Die Palette der „offiziellen“ Badestellen reicht von urigen Naturstrandbädern bis hin zu architektonisch durchgestylten Thermalbädern. Allen gemein sind eine durchweg gut gepflegte Infrastruktur und die ausgezeichnete Wasserqualität. Im Bodensee baden heißt in Trinkwasser baden. Immerhin kommt allein in Baden-Württemberg bei mehr 4 Millionen Menschen, sogar in Stuttgart, ein Stück Bodensee aus dem Wasserhahn. Dank des milden Klimas ist die Wassertemperatur im See zwischen spätestens Juni und mitunter bis in den Oktober hinein angenehm badefreundlich. Wer doch fröstelt, hält sich an Freibäder und kleine Badeseen im Hinterland oder besucht eine der Thermen rund um den See.
Baden im Bodensee hat Tradition. In Lindau, Bregenz, Rorschach und Arbon haben sich Bäder aus den Anfängen der Badekultur erhalten. Schon die Architektur der Badeanstalten ist ein Augenschmaus. Schon in den 20-er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts wurden am Bodensee die ersten öffentlichen Strandbäder eingerichtet. Seinerzeit noch streng getrennt nach Frauen und Männern. Heute geht es weit lockerer zu. Längst sind die von strengen Sittenwächtern überwachten Strandbäder zu Freizeiteinrichtungen mit allem Drum und Dran geworden. Es fehlt in kaum einem Bad an Badeflössen und Rutschen, Spielplätzen und Sprungtürmen. Beachvolleyballplätze und Badmintonnetze sind Standard; Minigolfbahnen, Fußballtore oder Bocciabahnen weit verbreitet. Wer Action sucht wird am Bodensee leicht fündig, wer Ruhe und Entspannung sucht ebenso. Tatsächlich bietet der See für jede Lust und Laune etwas.
Beschrieben sind 80 bekannte und weniger bekannte Badestellen rund um den Bodensee, mit Detailinformationen zu Eintritt, Lage mit GPS-Code, Infratstruktur usw.
Eine praktische Spiralbindung sorgt für leichtes Lesen unterwegs.
Forbes 30 under 30
Forbes Magazine
Kitchensurfing is an online marketplace that matches up chefs and people who need a cook at a personalized budget. Users choose from a variety of engagements, from cooking lessons for kids to fried chicken parties to 10-course anniversary dinners. The site lets folks browse through photos and mini-profiles of chefs -- kind of like a dating website, but for foodies.
Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
Muttersprache oder zweisprachig
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it’s always busy It has been an incredible busy week this week. Like every week. Each week we are making progress, driving some wins back. There is…
it’s always busy It has been an incredible busy week this week. Like every week. Each week we are making progress, driving some wins back. There is…
Beliebt bei Borahm Cho
Excited to share that Monotype is teaming up with Kittl!!! This partnership brings our fonts to an even larger community of #creators, empowering…
Excited to share that Monotype is teaming up with Kittl!!! This partnership brings our fonts to an even larger community of #creators, empowering…
Beliebt bei Borahm Cho
Hallo LinkedIn-Netzwerk! 👋 Wir suchen eine/n echte/n Figma-Profi – oder, noch besser, einen Figma-Nerd! 🎨✨ Aufgaben: Übersetzung einer kreativen…
Hallo LinkedIn-Netzwerk! 👋 Wir suchen eine/n echte/n Figma-Profi – oder, noch besser, einen Figma-Nerd! 🎨✨ Aufgaben: Übersetzung einer kreativen…
Beliebt bei Borahm Cho
No amount of product roadmaps or fancy tools will save you from learning timelines the hard way. Just wait until your first ‘quick fix’ takes 3…
No amount of product roadmaps or fancy tools will save you from learning timelines the hard way. Just wait until your first ‘quick fix’ takes 3…
Veröffentlicht von Borahm Cho
In the last 24 months, I have felt more inspired, challenged, and lit up than perhaps ever in business. Every day feels like ‘game on’. Time to be…
In the last 24 months, I have felt more inspired, challenged, and lit up than perhaps ever in business. Every day feels like ‘game on’. Time to be…
Beliebt bei Borahm Cho
Great momentum for Sanity now🔥, the world's largest software marketplace, ranks Sanity as: 🥇 #1 out of 372 in Web Content Management 🥇…
Great momentum for Sanity now🔥, the world's largest software marketplace, ranks Sanity as: 🥇 #1 out of 372 in Web Content Management 🥇…
Beliebt bei Borahm Cho
Interessenskonflikte in der Vermögensverwaltung 🚩 Wenn Finanzdienstleister nicht nur Vermögensverwalter sind, sondern auch eigene Anlageprodukte in…
Interessenskonflikte in der Vermögensverwaltung 🚩 Wenn Finanzdienstleister nicht nur Vermögensverwalter sind, sondern auch eigene Anlageprodukte in…
Beliebt bei Borahm Cho