ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference

ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference

Gemeinnützige Organisationen


The Collaborative Modeling Camp (ComoCamp) is an unconference inspired by Agile Methods, Domain-Driven Design and Behavior-Driven Development. We reach out to bring practitioners of collaborative modeling methods together with creators and thought leaders. Our goal is not to pitch specific tools, but to explore their use cases and their relationships. We want to investigate the values behind the tools we love. Why does this new era of Collaborative Modeling feel so different from what many of us associated with “modeling” in a distant past? Experience collaboration, discuss and share your knowledge! We invite all interested community members to be part of this event. Our camp is not-for-profit, hands-on, community-organized, and meant to be a lot of fun.

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference


  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Gottfried Szing anzeigen, Grafik

    Business Analyst and Software Architect - Merging Business Analysis with Advanced Software Architecture

    At the first day of the ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference last week I was "just" a room scout, so primarily being a helping hand at specific sessions, but I still had chance to enjoy the session about #domainstorytelling by Henning Schwentner. Domain story telling is a great way to initially capture how business works *now* (AS-IS) at a specific level of detail. This does not mean, that domain story telling can't or shouldn't be used to model the *future* (TO-BE) or to discuss at high or detailed level, but in the first round it is good to stick to 📅 the presence, so to capture the now and 🏖️ an agreed level of detail like proposed "Day at the Beach" by Alistair Cockburn. Agreeing on both "constraints" helps to discuss the current situation without jumping to a solution. #comocamp Stefan Hofer

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  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Ina Einemann anzeigen, Grafik

    🚀Agile Methoden für motivierte Teams und herausragende Produkte 📖 „Product Ownership meistern" 🎙️ "Mein Scrum ist kaputt"

    🚀 𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩! 🚀   Hey 🙋🏻♂️, What an incredible experience! This community is like no other – supportive, engaging and bursting with energy. The spirit of collaboration was really touchable at the ComoCamp in Vienna.   Here are some of my personal highlights:    🤝How unproblematic the unconference format was. A lot of people prepared topics or pitched them spontaneously. Just take a look at my video and see the long queue of people who brought topics with them. Everything was represented, from beginner to advanced exchanges.   💬 Running Event Storming workshops myself for several years, I was delighted to meet Alberto Brandolini (the inventor of the method). Engaging in discussions and attending sessions led by him was very insightful. 🧘♂️ Attending #ComoCamp was a step out of my comfort zone, especially being my first English-speaking conference and a complete conference with the unconference format. But let me tell you, it was worth it! Diving into discussions rather than passively sitting through PowerPoint presentations was refreshing. And as is often the case, afterwards you feel good to have been there and to have expanded your comfort zone 🌟   So special thanks to Martin Günther, Henning Schwentner, Alberto Brandolini, Susanne Kaiser, Tobias Goeschel, Thorsten Göckeler, Ivan Rublev, Beija Nigl, Andreas Gartz, Eberhard Wolff, Christopher Zelezny Marco Heimeshoff and many, many more for making this experience unforgettable. And a special shoutout to Gáspár Nagy for the ride to the airport! 🙏

  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Martin Günther anzeigen, Grafik

    Freelance IT Consultant - Software Architect and Liberating Structures Enthusiast

    Last week I was at ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference in Vienna. This second edition started with an Intro Day with 12 workshops for different collaborative modeling and facilitation techniques. I had the honor to give an introduction to Liberating Structures and how we can apply them to collaborative modeling workshops. It was great fun and we were lucky to have the big unconference room on the ground floor so that groups could even go outside for some structures. Day 2 and 3 were unconference days - the sessions were planned and provided on the fly by all participants in the marketplace every morning - what a full, rich and diverse program. In every slot it was hard to choose which sessions to go to. Or as Henning Schwentner pointed out in his opening: ComoCamp is also FomoCamp! From insightful games about changing perspectives by Andra Stefanescu to a collective facilitation patterns/heuristics/principles mapping initiated by Alberto Brandolini to a lovely structured session “How to converge” by Paul van der Slot to a very inspiring session on modeling emotions initiated by Tobias Goeschel, I got to know new perspectives, generated lots of new ideas and tried to contribute my experience. Thank you all! However, ComoCamp is so much more. It is the reunion with friends, meeting new wonderful people, the honest sharing of personal experiences, deep conversations during the breaks and at the dinner table or an enjoyable hike through the Vienna Woods. A heartfelt thank you to Ina Einemann, Susanne Kaiser, Paul van der Slot, Gien Verschatse, Marco Rasp, Eberhard Wolff, Marco Heimeshoff, Alberto Brandolini, Michael Plöd, Thorsten Göckeler, Michael Plagge, Christian Folie, Doris Gnong-Müller, Pablo V. and many more. As a highlight for myself I was asked by the organizers to facilitate the closing exercise with all participants in the big unconference room. I chose Mad Tea Party and from what I perceived during the session - lots of intense chats and joyful, laughing participants - it seemed to have done its job. As it is about finishing open sentences, I don’t want to withhold my last sentence: “Someone I have to thank before leaving is… … the ComoCamp organizers team because they did a great job to craft a wonderful conference, to create an immersive space for curiosity, creativity, ideas and fun!” Thank you Martin Schimak, Henning Schwentner, Stefan Priebsch and Daniel Sack!

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  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von POLYGONS GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    645 Follower:innen

    Am ComoCamp nimmt man nicht nur teil ... ... man ist Teil des ComoCamps. Vom 6. bis 8. Mai fand im Europahaus in Wien das ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference statt – ein einzigartiges Unkonferenz-Erlebnis, das von agilen Methoden, Domain-Driven Design und Behavior Driven Development inspiriert ist. Das Collaborative Modeling Camp, kurz ComoCamp, bringt Praktiker:innen kollaborativer Modellierungsmethoden mit führenden Köpfen und Vordenker:innen zusammen. Diese Veranstaltung ist offen für alle Interessierten und bietet die Gelegenheit, Zusammenarbeit zu erleben, Wissen zu diskutieren und auszutauschen. Wir waren wieder mit vielen Mitarbeiter:innen vor Ort und haben wertvolle Erfahrungen gesammelt. Das ComoCamp zeichnet sich durch seine praxisorientierte und von der Community organisierte Struktur aus und hat uns nicht nur fachlich, sondern auch persönlich bereichert. Hier ein paar Statements der POLYGONS: Hans Sowa: "Durch das ComoCamp bin ich mit Eventstorming intensiver in Berührung gekommen und konnte dabei wertvolle neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen." Florian Gludowatz: "Ich hatte unglaublich interessante Gespräche in einem für mich neuen Format." Mariana Boiko: "Ich hatte zahlreiche 'Aha'-Momente und führte viele interessante und inspirierende Gespräche. Zudem habe ich viele neue Ideen mitgenommen." Ferdinand C. Fuchs: "Das ComoCamp war wieder sehr intensiv. Ich habe neue Methoden kennengelernt, inspirierende Gespräche geführt und wurde von der Leidenschaft und dem Enthusiasmus der anderen Teilnehmer mitgerissen." Und Silvia Wimmer fasst das alles – wie schon im Titel zitiert – so zusammen: "Am ComoCamp nimmt man nicht nur teil. Man ist Teil des ComoCamps." Der Termin für das nächste ComoCamp steht bereits fest. Hier findet ihr alle Informationen: #Unkonferenz #AgileMethoden #DomainDrivenDesign #Eventstorming #Community #CoMoCamp

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  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von TechTalk  anzeigen, Grafik

    1.997 Follower:innen

    ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference - einfach eine wirklich coole Unkonferenz 😊 Letzte Woche waren wir bei DER Veranstaltung im Bereich des kollaborativen Modellierens. Es ist wie ein Mindset, in welches wir noch tiefer eingestiegen sind, denn um wirklich großartige (Software)Lösungen zu schaffen, braucht es gegenseitiges Verständnis zwischen Nutzer:innen und Entwickler:innen. Und in Wirklichkeit allen dazwischen. ☝ Mit einem kollaborativen Ansatz und einem ganzen Methoden- & Toolkoffer dahinter, werden Erwartungen, Anforderungen und Denkansätze transparenter und können gemeinsam visualisiert oder formuliert werden. Und das geschah in einem Open Space Format. Schön zu sehen, was man mit dieser Herangehensweise alles erschafft! 💪 Um eine Stimme am ComoCamo zu zitieren: "The unconference format was a breath of fresh air and created the perfect environment for collaboration, with great conversations and plenty of learning for everyone."♥️ Ein großes Dankeschön an das Organisationsteam rund um Stefan Priebsch, Daniel Sack, Martin Schimak & Henning Schwentner und alle Teilnehmer:innen und Session Hosts. 🙏🏼 Wir freuen uns bereits auf kommendes Jahr, da findet das ComoCamp wieder im Mai statt! Wer sich bereits informieren möchte, gerne hier entlang: #como #softwaredevelopment #agile #ddd #software #entwicklung #community #programming

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  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Martin Günther anzeigen, Grafik

    Freelance IT Consultant - Software Architect and Liberating Structures Enthusiast

    Last week I was at ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference in Vienna. This second edition started with an Intro Day with 12 workshops for different collaborative modeling and facilitation techniques. I had the honor to give an introduction to Liberating Structures and how we can apply them to collaborative modeling workshops. It was great fun and we were lucky to have the big unconference room on the ground floor so that groups could even go outside for some structures. Day 2 and 3 were unconference days - the sessions were planned and provided on the fly by all participants in the marketplace every morning - what a full, rich and diverse program. In every slot it was hard to choose which sessions to go to. Or as Henning Schwentner pointed out in his opening: ComoCamp is also FomoCamp! From insightful games about changing perspectives by Andra Stefanescu to a collective facilitation patterns/heuristics/principles mapping initiated by Alberto Brandolini to a lovely structured session “How to converge” by Paul van der Slot to a very inspiring session on modeling emotions initiated by Tobias Goeschel, I got to know new perspectives, generated lots of new ideas and tried to contribute my experience. Thank you all! However, ComoCamp is so much more. It is the reunion with friends, meeting new wonderful people, the honest sharing of personal experiences, deep conversations during the breaks and at the dinner table or an enjoyable hike through the Vienna Woods. A heartfelt thank you to Ina Einemann, Susanne Kaiser, Paul van der Slot, Gien Verschatse, Marco Rasp, Eberhard Wolff, Marco Heimeshoff, Alberto Brandolini, Michael Plöd, Thorsten Göckeler, Michael Plagge, Christian Folie, Doris Gnong-Müller, Pablo V. and many more. As a highlight for myself I was asked by the organizers to facilitate the closing exercise with all participants in the big unconference room. I chose Mad Tea Party and from what I perceived during the session - lots of intense chats and joyful, laughing participants - it seemed to have done its job. As it is about finishing open sentences, I don’t want to withhold my last sentence: “Someone I have to thank before leaving is… … the ComoCamp organizers team because they did a great job to craft a wonderful conference, to create an immersive space for curiosity, creativity, ideas and fun!” Thank you Martin Schimak, Henning Schwentner, Stefan Priebsch and Daniel Sack!

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  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Andra Stefanescu anzeigen, Grafik

    I Empower Leaders with Emotional Sustainability to Retain Talents Through Playful, Brain-Based Trainings | Speaker |Get my free weekly newsletter 🗞️

    #comocamp 2024 - fabulous unconference I was participating last week in Vienna Even though there were 110 participants, the organizers managed magically to create a comfortable space for everyone where like-minded people exchanged on how to spark collaboration and which methods to use for product development. It was smooth and as a participant, I felt that it was coming naturally everything which obviously has a lot of organization effort in the background! So thank you to the organizers who made this happen: Stefan, Daniel, Martin, Henning, Hans, Angela, Alexander, Andreas, Gottfried 🙏 My highlights of this event: 🌈Meeting a lot of amazing people and having inspirational talks with them in these 3 days 🌈 Experiencing as a participant how Liberating Structures activities are felt - thanks Martin for that session! I wrote an article about it that will go out next week :) 🌈 Learning about Example Mapping from Gáspár - concrete and precise examples to illustrate and better define a user story's acceptance criteria - thank you Gáspár for the practical session! 🌈 Facilitating 2 sessions which were much fun and people shared so many WOW moments from them for which I am very grateful 🙏 🌈 Co-facilitating ad-hoc a session with Alexander whom I met for the first time there and we mixed up our sessions - it was so much fun! I will make a separate post about this and share more :) Thanks, Alexander for this unique experience 🙏 🌈Co-creating with Jörn a Scenario Casting step-by-step poster and getting inspiration from him, thanks Jörn for this 🙏 Thank you for this and looking forward to the ComoCamp 2025! #comocamp #unconference #amazingpeople

  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Gottfried Szing anzeigen, Grafik

    Business Analyst and Software Architect - Merging Business Analysis with Advanced Software Architecture

    #comocamp in a sentence? Don't know. Maybe work hard, learn hard, party hard? But picking from all sessions was the hardest, but I chose the one by Andra Stefanescu about understanding (and playing Lego😀) and by Adam Dymitruk about #eventmodelling. ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference

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  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Eugene S. anzeigen, Grafik

    VP Product Engineering

    Huge thanks to Henning Schwentner Stefan Priebsch Martin Schimak Daniel Sack and others organiser for an awesome and inspiring event at the #comocamp. The unconference format was a breath of fresh air and created the perfect environment for collaboration, with great conversations and plenty of learning for everyone.

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  • ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Christoph Kober anzeigen, Grafik

    Software Architect | Technical Coach

    ComoCamp, The Collaborative Modeling Unconference was fantastic! After two days of discussing and practising collaborative modeling with many great people, my brain still hasn't fully processed all the new input... Nevertheless, here are three of the many highlights of this (un)conference: 🏁 Quality Storming with Michael Plöd - Quality goals are one of the main drivers for software architecture - therefore, working with measurable quality requirements is vital. And yet, explicit quality criteria are often notably absent. Enter Quality Storming: This half-day workshop format helps defining quality requirements in a collaborative way, and explicitly addresses possible blind spots. 🗺 Wardley Mapping with Susanne Kaiser - Between sessions, Susanne gave me some great advice on dealing with more abstract concepts on Wardley Maps. This kind of exchange is what makes open space conferences great - Thank you, Susanne! 👥 Facilitation Patterns with Alberto Brandolini and Gien Verschatse - Alberto, Gien, and many other participants shared their patterns, heuristics, anti-patterns and guiding principles for facilitating collaborative sessions. We ended up with a great collection of patterns that will surely be super helpful to improve my facilitation skills. A big thank you to all organizers and participants who made this awesome experience possible!

    • A wall full of sticky notes, capturing the results of the facilitation pattern session.
    • Lukas Peleška and Christoph Kober at ComoCamp 2024. Between them, a flip chart that explains the guiding principles of the open space format.
    • An ample supply of sticky notes in different colors and formats, ready to be used for collaborative modeling.

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