Android Developers Blog
The latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.
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Prepare your Android Project for Android Gradle plugin 8.0 API changes
Prepare your Android Project for Android Gradle plugin 8.0 API changes

06 October 2022

Posted by Wojtek Kaliciński , Boris Farber , Android Developer Relations Engineers, and Xavier Ducrohet , Android Studio ...

Join us for the digital Google for Games Developer Summit
Join us for the digital Google for Games Developer Summit

10 March 2020

Posted by the Google for Games Team Last month, Game Developers Conference (GDC) organizers made the difficult decision to postpone t...

 Building a safer Google Play for kids
Building a safer Google Play for kids

29 May 2019

Posted by Kanika Sachdeva, Product Manager, Google Play At Google Play, we’re committed to providing a positive, safe environment for ...

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A better way to track your promotions on Google Play Billing

14 February 2018

Posted by Neto Marin, Developer Advocate Promotions can be a valuable tool to increase user engagement or attract new users by offering...

Android Wear SDK and Emulator Update
Android Wear SDK and Emulator Update

25 January 2018

Posted by Hoi Lam , Lead Developer Advocate, Android Wear Today we launched the latest version of the Android Wear SDK (2.2.0) with sev...