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Developer tips and guides: Common policy violations and how you can avoid them
Developer tips and guides: Common policy violations and how you can avoid them

16 October 2020

By Andrew Ahn, Product Manager, Google Play App Safety At Google Play, we want to foster an ecosystem of safe, engaging, useful, and ...

 Building a safer Google Play for kids
Building a safer Google Play for kids

29 May 2019

Posted by Kanika Sachdeva, Product Manager, Google Play At Google Play, we’re committed to providing a positive, safe environment for ...

Supporting Google Play developers regarding local market withholding tax regulations
Supporting Google Play developers regarding local market withholding tax regulations

15 May 2019

Posted by Gloria On, Program Manager, Google Play Many developers are increasingly focused on growing their businesses globally, and th...

Improving the update process with your feedback
Improving the update process with your feedback

15 April 2019

Posted by Sameer Samat, VP of Product Management, Android & Google Play Thank you for all the feedback about updates we’ve been m...

Article Image Placeholder
Reminder SMS/Call Log Policy Changes

14 January 2019

Posted by Paul Bankhead, Director, Product Management, Google Play TLDR; As previously announced and directly communicated to develo...

Tips to help you stay on the right side of Google Play policy
Tips to help you stay on the right side of Google Play policy

13 October 2016

Posted by Lily Sheringham, Google Play team Today we have released a new video ‘ 10 tips to stay on the right side of Google Play policy ’...