USC Black Alumni Association

students meet at the BAA Welcome and Pinning Ceremony

Uniting, Uplifting and Empowering Black Trojans

Join us in engaging alumni and providing scholarship assistance to deserving students

Cheryl Miller and David Belasco

Preparing the Next Generation of Sports Industry Innovators

Olympic icon Cheryl Miller ’86 is partnering with entrepreneur David Belasco ’85 to teach a new course, “Powers, Players and Platforms in Global Sports.”

Reggie Bush

A New Honor for a Trojan Football Legend

USC Heisman Trophy Winner Reggie Bush will be inducted into the Rose Bowl Hall of Fame.

Safiya Sinclair

Growing Up Rastafari in Jamaica

In her critically acclaimed memoir How to Say Babylon, award-winning poet Safiya Sinclair MA, PhD ’19 recounts her struggle to break free of her rigid religious upbringing.

Seth Pickens

Tackling Homelessness Through Research, Policy and Practice

Seth Pickens EdD ’15 has been named the new managing director of USC’s Homelessness Policy Research Institute.

An Appetite for Storytelling

A veteran podcaster, USC Annenberg master’s student Daniella Lake wants to make the jump to broadcast.

Daniella Lake

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