Drive Employee Purpose and Business Results
Learn how to use Microsoft Viva to drive employee purpose, alignment, and business results by setting and managing goals with an OKR framework.
Employee purpose, business results, business goals, objectives and key results (OKRs), Microsoft Viva Goals
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Webinar: Drive Employee Purpose and Business Results

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Improve employee experience and business performance.
  • Set and manage goals with a proven OKR framework.
  • Use Microsoft Viva to help drive employee purpose, alignment, and business results.


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Additional resources

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Meet Your Goals in 2023 with Microsoft Viva Goals

4 goal-setting trends for 2023 and how Microsoft Viva Goals can help.

Learn more
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Microsoft Viva Goals e-book

Engage your employees to achieve powerful business outcomes.

Read the e-book
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