Mark Carson

Mark Carson

الإمارات العربية المتحدة
٤٩ ألف متابع أكثر من 500 زميل

نبذة عني

One of the Co-Founders and Directors of Discovered and Level Up, Mark has over 17 years…

مقالات Mark

  • From Start-up to Growth mode!

    From Start-up to Growth mode!

    Here I am sitting in Discovered’s brand-new office after another manic week, office no.4 in our journey so far, and…

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  • Discovered 2.0

    Discovered 2.0

    When we launched Discovered 2 years ago, we built and launched a vivid website, with high def pictures we took…

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  • Benefits - What do employees want and what can employers realistically offer these days?

    Benefits - What do employees want and what can employers realistically offer these days?

    Recently I’ve seen quite a few posts from various businesses offering 'great' or 'expectational' benefits, such as free…

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انضم الآن لعرض كل النشاط


  • رسم بياني Talent Tribe UAE

    Talent Tribe UAE

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

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التوصيات المستلمة

المزيد من أنشطة Mark

عرض ملف Mark الشخصي الكامل

  • مشاهدة الأشخاص المشتركين الذين تعرفهم
  • تقديم تعارف
  • تواصل مع Mark مباشرة
انضم لعرض الملف الشخصي الكامل

ملفات شخصية أخرى مشابهة

أعضاء آخرون يحملون اسم ⁦⁩Mark Carson

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