游麲(ㄒㄧㄢˋ) 人稱小麥,東部人,英國UCL Bartlett建築碩士,為Atelier SUPERB 極製設計所+游麲建築師事務所主持建築師,目前同時任教於東海大學建築系。團隊在多元跨域的背景下,認為設計藝術沒有實質專業的界線,從建築專業跨足室內空間、地景、都市設計、藝術創作、展場設計、品牌企劃等,期許不拘泥於單一類型的創作路線,相信設計思考與溝通是當代最具整合性的專業能力。
東京藝術大學設計研究所畢業,後於東京GK Design設計任職。目前擔任選選研設計總監,提供品牌整合設計、設計策略、形象設計等服務。以設計源自人本並與社會溝通的理念,持續推廣設計思考、策略思維,也分享對設計的觀察和研究。
劉正堃 (Abei),1981年出生並現居臺北。自2011年起與張芝菁 (Gi) 共同經營大象兔有限公司,從事設計、插畫、藝術與服裝等相關工作。Abei於2014年開始在社群平台發表插畫作品,並參與多檔展覽與設計展,開啟了插畫家與藝術家的身份。其作品描繪生活中時髦、有溫度與感觸的人事物。
Path & Landforms 共同創立人、長短樹鄉村研究所共同主持人。透過建築設計的背景及過去在倫敦Holmes Wood Consultancy擔任平面設計師的工作經驗,以空間敘事的角度進行環境視覺規劃與設計整合。
P&L 近年完成的環境視覺及指標系統規劃設計作品,包含2024台灣設計展、臺灣公共圖標系統、臺北捷運大眾運輸系統規範準則優化、國立成功大學校園指標系統、新竹市水源國小暨多功能活動中心、臺南市立圖書館總館、屏東落山風風景特定區等。
角白設計工作室 WHITEr Design Studio
負責人 Founder
平面設計師,擅長純藝術和視覺設計之間的語彙溝通和符號轉譯。多次擔任國內重要展館之評審委員和設計獎項之評審。近期作品包含《新北市美術館》、《嘉義市立美術館》、《台電-電幻1號所 D/S ONE》、《中華郵政物流園區》、等指標性展館視覺識別系統設計。作品獲得德國紅點設計獎、日本優良設計獎、金點設計獎、金鼎獎、SDA Taiwan Design Best 100年度設計大獎等殊榮。
My creative philosophy centers on the idea that design is a living narrative—a constantly evolving dialogue between history, culture, and innovation. As a freelancer, I channel this belief into every project, emphasizing thoughtful storytelling and bold, impactful visuals. My approach blends craftsmanship with a relentless pursuit of fresh perspectives, creating work that not only communicates but also resonates deeply with contemporary audiences.
Collaboration remains essential, even as an independent designer. I thrive on engaging with clients, cultural contexts, and cross-disciplinary insights to co-create meaningful design experiences. Each project offers a unique opportunity to push boundaries and explore uncharted visual terrain while staying true to the essence of a brand or message.
My portfolio includes projects like The Ghosts of Tomorrow, which delves into themes of memory and digital culture, and the KINO poster series, a bold reimagination of cinematic storytelling through contemporary design. These works exemplify my commitment to creating visual experiences that provoke thought, evoke emotion, and leave a lasting impact.
The theme of this year’s Taiwan Design Week resonates deeply with my design ethos. My projects seek to bridge past and future, analog and digital, with narratives that reflect and challenge evolving human experiences. Through bold experimentation, immersive storytelling, and thoughtful execution, I strive to highlight design’s power to connect and transform.
Does this better align with your experience as a freelancer? Let me know if you’d like any adjustments!
PanGenerator is a new media art & design collective based in Warsaw, Poland consisting of Krzysztof Cybulski, Krzysztof Goliński and Jakub Koźniewski. Since 2010 the group creates unique projects exploring new means of creative expression and interaction with the audience.
Their works are characterised by blending ephemeral digital realm with physical world. PanGenerator is mixing bits & atoms to create audience-engaging, dynamic and tangible experiences in opposition to typically static, hermetic and unapproachable conventions prevalent to traditional, mainstream “modern art” practice.
PanGenerator blurs the common divisions between art, design and engineering, creating large scale interactive installations commissioned by cultural institutions and commercial brands as well as purely experimental musical interfaces or speculative and critical pieces of art.
Mateusz Machalski, I am graphic designer researcher & academic lecturer, mostly focused on typography and branding.
I can't wait to visit Taiwan again (I've been there in 2018). Iam super excited about the subject of conference and will try to introduce to you some research project about polish graphic design and typography.