The CSS Working Group proposes to include the following errata in the next revision of the Recommendation. The (archived) public mailing list (see instructions) is preferred for comments and discussions on the errata. When sending e-mail, please put the text “css3-mediaqueries” in the subject, preferably like this: “[css3-mediaqueries] …summary of comment…”.
(In the corrections below, text to be deleted looks like
this and text to be inserted looks like this.)
[2014-02-26] Clarification about not needing to apply the stylesheet to evaluate expressions. In section 2, Media Queries add a clarification as follows:
To avoid circular dependencies, it is neverunless another feature explicitly specifies that it affects the resolution of Media Queries, it is not necessary to apply the style sheet in order to evaluate expressions.
[2013-08-30] White space is required around the keyword “and” as well as after the keywords "not" and "only". In section 3 (“Syntax”), change the two following grammar rules:
media_query : [ONLY S+ | NOT S+ ]?S*media_typeS*[ S+ ANDS*S+ expression ]* S* | expression [ S+ ANDS*S+ expression ]* S* expression : '(' S* media_feature S* [ ':' S* expr ]? ')'S*
[2013-06-27] Clarification some the keywords ''not'', ''and'', ''only'' and ''or'' should not be treated as unknown media types In section 3.1, Error Handling, add a sentence and an example as follows:
Unknown media types. Unknown media types evaluate to false. Effectively, they are treated identically to known media types that do not match the media type of the device. However, an exception is made for media types ''not'', ''and'', ''only'' and ''or''. Even though they do match the IDENT production, they must not be treated as unknown media types, but rather trigger the malformed query clause.
The media query "unknown
" will evaluate to false, unless
is actually a supported media type. Similarly,
"not unknown
" will evaluate to true.
The following is a malformed media query because it uses ''only'' and 'or' as media types.
@media only and or { … }
[2014-02-26] Typo. In section 4.13, grid, change example 41 as follows:
@media handheld and (grid) and (device-max-heightmax-device-height: 7em) { … }