FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

isc-dhcp3-server buffer overflow in logging mechanism

Affected packages
3.0.1.r12 <= isc-dhcp3-relay < 3.0.1.r14
3.0.1.r12 <= isc-dhcp3-server < 3.0.1.r14


VuXML ID 7a9d5dfe-c507-11d8-8898-000d6111a684
Discovery 2004-06-22
Entry 2004-06-25
Modified 2004-08-12

A buffer overflow exists in the logging functionality of the DHCP daemon which could lead to Denial of Service attacks and has the potential to allow attackers to execute arbitrary code.


CERT/CC Vulnerability Note 317350
CVE Name CVE-2004-0460
Message [email protected]
Message [email protected]
US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA04-174A