FreeBSD VuXML: Documenting security issues in FreeBSD and the FreeBSD Ports Collection

Samba -- cross site scripting and request forgery vulnerabilities

Affected packages
3.4.* < samba34 < 3.4.14
3.5.* < samba35 < 3.5.10


VuXML ID 56f4b3a6-c82c-11e0-a498-00215c6a37bb
Discovery 2011-07-27
Entry 2011-08-16

Samba security advisory reports:

All current released versions of Samba are vulnerable to a cross-site request forgery in the Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT). By tricking a user who is authenticated with SWAT into clicking a manipulated URL on a different web page, it is possible to manipulate SWAT.

All current released versions of Samba are vulnerable to a cross-site scripting issue in the Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT). On the "Change Password" field, it is possible to insert arbitrary content into the "user" field.


Bugtraq ID 48899
Bugtraq ID 48901
CVE Name CVE-2011-2522
CVE Name CVE-2011-2694