The Austin Common Standards Revision Group

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Mailing Lists & Archives

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If you have not already joined the Austin Group, you may do so by joining the mailing list. Our list is sponsored and maintained by The Open Group. The mailing list is 'open' to anyone to join and participate in. You are requested to read all of this page, for important information on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and retrieve your userid and password. We use one main mailing list for all discussions and bug reporting.

List Name Description Click to Subscribe [help]
austin-group-l Austin Group general discussion. YOU NEED TO JOIN THIS LIST TO ACCESS THE DRAFTS (upon joining if you do not already have a userid and password for The Open Group site, one will be sent to you. If you already have one you will not be sent another). All interested parties are welcome to join this list. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A HIGH VOLUME LIST. Self-Subscribe

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You can also join other activities within The Open Group at The Open Group Collaboration Portal.

If you need to contact a human, direct your mail to austin-group-l-request.