GSoC/GCI Archive
Google Code-in 2014


License: GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)

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BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform 3D solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) graphics system

BRL-CAD has more than a million lines of code(!), 400+ binary applications, dozens of libraries, and has been worked on for more than 30 years. That's right, older than GCC, Emacs, and Linux!

We do 3D modeling, but not like Blender or 3D Studio Max.  We focus on modeling and engineering analyses calling for verifiable scientific accuracy.  More like AutoCAD, Solidworks, or CATIA ... just a lot harder. :)

Help make BRL-CAD better than the rest!  If you like design, math, graphics, ray tracing, networking, 3D modeling, high performance computing, web infrastructure, or challenging coding problems, this is the place for you. Most of our code is in C/C++, OpenCL, OpenGL, Python, Tcl, and Javascript. Our docs are text files, wiki, and XML formats. We have lots of creative/design tasks that can be done with pretty much any tool or language too.

Most of our tasks are doable in just a couple hours, even with little experience, and there's lots of mentors to help too. We even provide a fully configured virtual machine to help you get set up REALLY FAST (it is a competition, right?). We can create tasks tailored to your ability and do add tasks throughout GCI.

We want you to get excited about open source CAD!  It's hard work, but really fun.  Our goal is to become the best solid modeling system out there, but open source needs people like you to make it your hobby. We're here to help you get started.

Voluntary Communication Checklist
  • Use IRC for interactive chat: #brlcad on Freenode. Be patient, responses might take a couple hours. Someone will always answer, but only if you're still there.
  • Join brlcad-news to see your work showcased to thousands around the world. Highly recommended.
  • With your parents permission, you can e-mail your name and postal address to [email protected] for free BRL-CAD stickers and stuff post-GCI.
  • Join brlcad-devel if you're serious about contributing. You can reach nearly all our devs there. Solid resumé and networking potential beyond GCI.

Completed Tasks