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PyCon 2011 Atlanta

March 9th–17th

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PyCon 2011: Connecting The Python Community

The Python Software Foundation is proud to present the annual Python community conference, PyCon 2011. PyCon 2011 will be held March 9th through the 17th, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia. The PyCon conference days will be March 11-13, preceded by two tutorial days (March 9-10), and followed by four days of development sprints (March 14-17th).

Keynotes: We are pleased to announce our first keynote will be given by Hilary Mason, chief data scientist at See more on the keynotes page.

Sponsors: If you are interested in being a sponsor for PyCon - and really, everyone can and should be, see the sponsors page.

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are short, intense, five-minute talks. Want to give a lightning talk at PyCon? Sign up here! Sign-ups are first-come, first-serve, so act quickly.

OpenSpace Sessions

Not enough PyCon in the evenings for you? Attend one of numerous extracurricular OpenSpace sessions after dinner... they range from technical topics of interest to board games! See the OpenSpace schedule board downstairs in the tutorial/OpenSpace entry hallway!


If you are attending PyCon, please fill out our surveys, sponsored by Survey Monkey:


Online Registration for PyCon 2011 is now closed

  • Please visit us at the venue for On-Site Registration.

Other Information

For more general information about PyCon - click here. See the Contact Information page for more on how to get a hold of the PyCon team.

Important Dates

PyCon 2012

We are pleased to announce that PyCon 2012 will be held March 7th to the 15th in Santa Clara, California. A placeholder website is available at Stay tuned for more information about our exciting program for next year and we hope to see you there!

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