The Reset the Net splash screen

If you have a website (or a mobile app!) run the “Reset the Net” splash screen or banner as a part of the biggest backlash against mass surveillance on June 5th, to help protect as much of the Internet as possible and take a stand for privacy. Link them to the privacy pack.

Splash screen:

Add this script right before the </body> tag. (See demo)

<script type="text/javascript">
   window._idl = {};
   _idl.variant = "modal";
   _idl.campaign = "reset-the-net";
   (function() {
     var idl = document.createElement('script');
     idl.type = 'text/javascript';
     idl.async = true;
     idl.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + ' ' + (_idl.url || '') + '&campaign=' + (_idl.campaign || '') + '&variant=' + (_idl.variant || 'modal');

You won’t see it right away because it is set to go live at midnight on June 5th. To see it on your site, you can also add ?_idl_test=1 to the end of any page URL configured to display the alert and see it pop up, e.g.

For further instructions or plugins for WordPress etc., click here.



For a smaller banner at the bottom of your page, add this script right before the </body> tag. (See demo)

<script src="//"

Splash screen (alternate version):

If you’re having issues, here’s an alternate way to add the splash screen.

<script src="//" async></script>

The script is set to hide until the day of.  So it’s working properly if you don’t see anything.

To see what your page will look like with the alternate splash screen on, (re)load your page with #ALWAYS_SHOW_RTN_WIDGET in the URL. For example:

Can your site run the splash screen? Email us now, or sign up on Reset the Net