Software Modularity

part of Software Engineering for Internet Applications by Eve Andersson, Philip Greenspun, and Andrew Grumet
At this point in the course, you've built enough software that things may be starting to get unwieldy. What will life be like for those who maintain your code? Will they be able to figure out what modules you've written? Will they be able to find your documentation? Will it be simple to make small changes site-wide?

This chapter is about ways to group all the code for a module, to record the existence of documentation for that module, to publish APIs to other parts of the system, and methods for storing configuration parameters.

Grouping Code

Each module in your system will contain the following kinds of software: Here are some examples of the modules that might be behind a large online community: Good software developers might disagree on the division into modules. For example, rather than create a separate classified ads module, a person might decide that classifieds and discussion are so similar that adding price and bid columns to an existing content table makes more sense than constructing new tables and that adding a lot of IF statements to the scripts that present discussion questions and answers makes more sense than writing new scripts.

If the online community is used to support a group of university students and teachers, additional specialized modules would be added, e.g., for recording which courses are being taught by whom and when, which students are registered in which courses, what handouts are associated with each class, what assignments are due and by when, and what grades have been assigned and by which teachers.

Recall that the software behind an Internet service is frequently updated as the community grows and new ideas are developed. Frequently updated software is going to have bugs, which means that the system will be frequently debugged, oftentimes at 2:00 am and usually by a programmer other than the one who wrote the software. It is thus important to publish and abide by conventions that make it easy for a new programmer to figure out where the relevant source code files are. It might take only fifteen minutes to figure out what is wrong and patch the system. But if it takes three hours to find the source code files to begin with, what would have been an insignificant bug becomes a half-day project.

Let's walk through an example of how the software is arranged on the service. The server is configured to operate multiple Internet services. Each one is located at /web/service-name/ which means that all the directories associated with are underneath /web/photonet/. The page root for the site is /web/photonet/www/. The Web server is configured to look for "library" procedures (shared by multiple pages) in /web/photonet/tcl/, a name derived from the fact that is run on AOLserver, whose default extension language is Tcl.

RDBMS table, index, and stored procedure definitions for a module are stored in a single file in the /doc/sql/ directory (directory names in this chapter are relative to the Web server page root unless specified as absolute). The name for this file is the module name followed by a .sql extension, e.g., chat.sql for the chat module. Shared procedures for all modules are stored in the single library directory /web/photonet/tcl/, with each file named "modulename-defs.tcl", e.g., chat-defs.tcl.

Scripts that generate individual pages are parked at the following locations: /module-name/ for the user pages; /module-name/admin/ for the moderator pages, e.g., where a user with moderator privileges would go to delete a posting; /admin/module-name/ for the site administrator pages, e.g., where the service operator would go to enable or disable a service, delegate moderation authority to another user, etc.

A high-level document explaining each module is stored in /doc/module-name.html and linked from the index page in /doc/. This document is intended as a starting point for programmers who are considering using the module or extending a feature of the module. The document has the following structure:

  1. Where to find all the software associated with this module (site-wide conventions are nice, but it doesn't hurt to be explicit).
  2. Big picture information: Why was this module built? Why aren't/weren't existing alternatives adequate for solving the problem? What are the high-level good and bad features of this module? What choices were considered in developing the data model?
  3. Configuration information: What can be changed easily by editing parameters?
  4. Use and maintenance information.
For an example of such a document, see

Shared Procedures versus Stored Procedures

Even in the simplest Web development environments, there are generally at least two places where procedural abstractions, i.e., fragments of programs that are shared by multiple pages, can be developed. Modern relational database management systems can interpret Turing-complete imperative programming languages such as C#, Java, and PL/SQL. Thus any computation that could be performed by any computer could, in principle, be performed by a program running inside an RDBMS such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL. In other words, you don't need a Web server or any other tools but could implement page scripting and an HTTP server within the database management system in the form of stored procedures.

As we'll see in the "Scaling Gracefully" chapter, there are some performance advantages to be had in splitting off the presentation layer of an application into a set of separate physical computers. Thus our page scripts will most definitely reside outside of the RDBMS. This gives us the opportunity to write additional software that will run within or close to the Web server program, typically in the same computer language that is used for page scripting, in the form of shared procedures. In the case of a PHP script, for example, a shared procedure could be an include file. In the case of a site where individual pages are scripted in Java or C#, a shared procedure might be some classes and methods used by multiple pages.

How do you choose between using shared procedures and stored procedures? Start by thinking about the multiple applications that may connect to the same database. For example, there could be a public Web server, a nightly program that pulls out all new information for analysis, a maintenance tool for administrators built on top of Microsoft Excel or Access, etc.

If you think that a piece of code might be useful to those other systems that connect to the same data model, put it in the database as a stored procedure. If you are sure that a piece of code is only useful for the particular Web application that you're building, keep it in the Web server as a shared procedure.


"As we enter the 21st century we find that rifle marksmanship has been largely lost in the military establishments of the world. The notion that technology can supplant incompetence is upon us in all sorts of endeavors, including that of shooting."
-- Jeff Cooper in The Art of the Rifle (1997; Paladin Press)
Given a system with 1000 procedures and no documentation, the typical manager will lay down an edict to the programmers: you must write a "doc string" for every procedure saying what inputs it takes, what outputs it generates, and how it transforms those inputs into outputs. Virtually every programming environment going back to the 1960s has support for this kind of thinking. The fancier "doc string" systems will even parse through directories of source code, extract the doc strings, and print a nice-looking manual of 1000 doc strings.

How useful are doc strings? Useful, but not sufficient. The programmer new to a system won't have any idea which of the 1000 procedures and corresponding doc strings are most important. The new programmer won't have any idea why these procedures were built, what problem they solve, and whether the whole system has been deprecated in favor of newer software from another source. Certainly the 1000 doc strings aren't going to convince any programmers to adopt a piece of software. It is much more important to present clear English prose that demonstrates the quality of your thinking and design work in attacking a real problem. The prose does not have to be more than a few pages long, but it needs to be carefully crafted.

Separating the Designers and the Programmers

Criticism and requests for changes will come in proportion to the number of people who understand that part of the system being criticized. Very few people are capable of data modeling or interaction design. Although these are the only parts of the system that deeply affect the user experience or the utility of an information system to its operators, you will thus very seldom be required to entertain a suggestion in this area. Only someone with years of relevant experience is likely to propose that a column be added to an SQL table or that five tables can be replaced with three tables. A much larger number of people are capable of writing Web scripts. So you'll sometimes be derided for your choice of programming environment, regardless of what it is or how state-of-the-art it was supposed to be at the time you adopted it. Virtually every human being on the planet, however, understands that mauve looks different from fuchsia and that Helvetica looks different from Times Roman. Thus the largest number of suggestions for changes to a Web application will be design-related. Someone wants to add a new logo to every page on the site. Someone wants to change the background color in the discussion forum section. Someone wants to make a headline larger on a particular page. Someone wants to add a bit of whitespace here and there.

Suppose that you've built your Web application in the simplest and most direct manner. For each URL there is a corresponding script, which contains SQL statements, some procedural code in the scripting language (IF statements, basically), and static strings of HTML that will be combined with the values returned from the database to form the completed page. If you break down what is inside a Visual Basic Active Server Page or a Java Server Page or a Perl CGI script, you always find these three items: SQL, IF statements, HTML.

Development of an application with this style of programming is easy. You can see all the relevant code for a page in one text editor buffer. Maintenance is also straightforward. If a user sends in a bug report saying "There is a spelling error on" you know that you need only look in one file in the file system (/foo/bar.asp or /foo/bar.jsp or /foo/ or whatever) and you are guaranteed to find the source of the user's problem. This goes for SQL and procedural programming errors as well.

What if people want site-wide changes to fonts, colors, headers and footers? This could be easy or hard depending on how you've crafted the system. Suppose that default colors are read from a configuration parameter system and headers, footers, and per-page navigation aids are generated by the page script calling shared procedures. In this happy circumstance, making site-wide changes might take only a few minutes.

What if people want to change the wording of some annotation in the static HTML for a page? Or make a particular headline on one page larger? Or add a bit of white space in one place on one page? This will require a programmer because the static HTML strings associated with that page are embedded in a file that contains SQL and procedural language code. You don't want someone to bring a section of the service down because of a botched attempt to fix a typo or add a hint.

The Small Hammer

The simplest way to separate the programmers from the designers is to create two files for each URL. File 1 contains SQL statements and some procedural code that fills local variables or a data structure with information from the RDBMS. The last statement in File 1 is a call to a procedure that will fetch File 2, a template file that looks like standard HTML with simple references to data prepared in File 1.

Suppose that File 1 is named and is a Perl script. By convention, File 2 will be named index.template. In preparing a template, a designer needs to know (a) the names of the variables being set in, (b) that one references a variable from the template with a dollar sign, e.g., $standard_navbar, and (c) that to send an actual dollar sign or at-sign character to the user it should be escaped with a backslash. The merging of the template and local variables established in can be accomplished with a single call to Perl's built-in eval procedure, which performs standard Perl string interpolation, i.e., replacing $foo with the value of the variable foo.

The Medium Hammer

If the SQL/procedural script and the HTML template are in separate files in the same directory, there is always a risk that a careless designer will delete, rename, or modify a computer program. It may make more sense to establish a separate directory and give the designers permission only on that parallel tree. For example on you might have the page scripts in /web/photonet/www/ and templates underneath /web/photonet/templates/. A script at /e-commerce/checkout.tcl finishes by calling the shared procedure return_template. This procedure first invokes the Web server API to find out what URI is being served. A configuration parameter specifies the start of the templates tree. return_template uses the URL plus the template tree root to probe in the file system for a template to evaluate. If found, the template, in AOLserver ADP format (same syntax as Microsoft ASP), is evaluated in the context of return_template's caller, which means that local variables set in the script will be available to the ADP file.

The "medium hammer" approach keeps programmers and designers completely separated from a file system permissioning point of view. It also has the advantage that the shared procedure called at the end of every script can do some poking around. Is this a user who prefers text-only pages? If so, is there a text-only template available? Is this a user who prefers a language other than the site's default? If so, is there a template available in which the annotation is in the user's preferred language?

The SQL Hammer

If a system already has extensive RDBMS-backed facilities for versioning and permissioning, it may seem natural to store templates in a database table. These templates can then be edited from a browser, and changes to templates can be managed as part of a site's overall publishing workflow. If the information architecture of a site is represented explicitly in RDBMS tables (see the Content Management chapter), it may be natural to keep templates and template fragments in the database along with content types, categories, and subcategories.

The Sledgehammer

Back in 1999, Karl Goldstein was the sole programmer building the entire information system for a commercial online community. The managers of the community changed their minds about fifteen times about how the site should look. Every page should have a horizontal navbar. Maybe vertical would be better, actually. But move the navbar on every page from the left to the right. After two or three of these massive changes in direction, Goldstein developed an elegant and efficient system: Here's an example of how what the user viewed would be divided by master and slave templates:

LogoAd Banner
Navigation/Context Bar







Content in gray is derived from the master template. Note that doesn't mean that it is static or not page-specific. If a template is an ASP or JSP fragment it can execute arbitrarily complex computer programs to generate what appears within its portion of the page. Content in aqua comes from the per-page template.

This sounds inefficient due to the large number of file system probes. However, once a system is in production, it is easy for the Web server to cache, per-URL, the results of the file system investigation. In fact, the Web server could cache all of the templates in its virtual memory for maximum speed. The reason that one wouldn't do this during development is that it would make debugging difficult. Every time you changed a template you'd have to restart the Web server or clear the cache in order to view the results of the change.

Intermodule APIs

Recall from the "User Registration and Management" chapter that we want people to be accountable for their actions within an online community. One way to enhance accountability is by offering a "user contributions" page that will show all contributions from a particular user. Wherever a person's name appears within the application it will be a hyperlink to this user contributions page.

Given that all site content is stored in relational database tables, the most obvious way to start writing the user contributions page script is by looking at the SQL data models for each individual module. Then we can write a program that queries a few dozen tables to find all contributions by a particular user.

A drawback to this approach is that we now have code that may break if we change a module's data model, yet this code is not within that module's subdirectory, and this code is probably being authored by a programmer other than the one maintaining the individual module.

Let's consider a different application: email alerts. Suppose that your community offers a discussion forum and a classified ad system, coded as separate modules. A user wishes to get a daily summary of activity in both areas. Each module could offer a completely separate alerts mechanism. However, this would mean that the user would get two email messages every night when a single combined email was desired. If we build a combined email alert system, however, we have the same problem as with the user history page: shared code that depends on the data models of individual modules.

Finally, let's look at the site administrator's job. The site administrator is probably a busy volunteer. He or she does not want to waste twenty mouse clicks to see today's new content. The site administrator ought to be able to view recently contributed content from all modules on a single page. Does that mean we will yet again have a script that depends on every table definition from every module?

Here's a hint at a solution. On the site each module defines a "new stuff" procedure, which takes the following arguments:

The output of such a procedure can be simple: HTML for a Web page or plain text for an email message. The output of such a procedure can be a data structure. The output of such a procedure could be an XML document, to be rendered with an XSL style sheet. The important thing is that pages interested in "new stuff" site-wide need not be familiar with the data models of individual modules, only the name of the "new stuff" procedure corresponding to each module. This latter task is made easy on as each module is loaded by the Web server, it adds its "new stuff" procedure name to a site-wide list. A page that wants to display site-wide new stuff loops through this list, calling each named procedure in turn.

Configuration Parameters

It is possible, although not very tasteful, to build a working Internet application with the following items hard-coded into each individual page: The ancient term for this approach to building software is "putting magic numbers in the code." With magic numbers in the code, it is tough to grab a few scripts from one service and apply them to another application. With magic numbers in the code, it is tough to know how many programs you have to examine and modify after a personnel change. With magic numbers in the code, it is tough to know if rules are being enforced consistently site-wide.

Where should you store parameters such as these? Except for the database username and password, an obvious answer would seem to be "in the database." There are a bunch of keys (the parameter names) and a bunch of values (the parameters). This is the very problem for which a database management system is ideal.

-- use Oracle's unique key generator
create sequence config_param_seq start with 1;

create table config_param_keys (
	config_param_key_id	integer primary key,
	key_name		varchar(4000) not null,
	param_comment		varchar(4000)

-- we store the values in a separate table because there might
-- be more than one for a given key
create table config_param_values (
	config_param_key_id	not null references config_param_keys,
	value_index		integer default 1 not null,
	param_value		varchar(4000) not null

-- we use the Oracle operator "nextval" to get the next 
-- value from the sequence generator
insert into config_param_keys 
(config_param_seq.nextval, 'view_source_link_p', 'damn 6.171 instructor is making me do this');

-- we use the Oracle operator "currval" to get the last
-- value from the sequence generator (so that rows inserted in this transaction
-- will all have the same ID)
insert into config_param_values
(config_param_seq.currval, 1, 't');


insert into config_param_keys 
(config_param_seq.nextval, 'redirect', 'dropping the /wtr/ directory');

insert into config_param_values
(config_param_seq.currval, 1, '/wtr/thebook/');

insert into config_param_values
(config_param_seq.currval, 2, '/panda/');

At the end of every page script we can query these tables:
select cpv.param_value
from config_param_keys cpk, config_param_values cpv
where cpk.config_param_key_id = cpv.config_param_key_id
and key_name = 'view_source_link_p'
If the script gets a row with "t" back, it includes a "View Source" link at the bottom of the page. If not, no link.

Recording a redirect required the storage of two rows in the config_param_values table, one for the "from" and one for the "to" URL. When a request comes in, the Web server will want to query to figure out if a redirect exists:

select cpk.config_param_key_id
from config_param_keys cpk, config_param_values cpv
where cpk.config_param_key_id = cpv.config_param_key_id
and key_name = 'redirect'
and value_index = 1
and param_value = :requested_url
where :requested_url is a bind variable containing the URL requested by the currently-connected Web client. Note that this query tells us only that such a redirect exists; it does not give us the destination URL, which is stored in a separate row of config_param_values. Believe it or not, the conventional thing to do here is a three-way join, including a self-join of config_param_values:
select cpv2.param_value
  config_param_keys cpk, 
  config_param_values cpv1, 
  config_param_values cpv2
where cpk.config_param_key_id = cpv1.config_param_key_id
and cpk.config_param_key_id = cpv2.config_param_key_id
and cpk.key_name = 'redirect'
and cpv1.value_index = 1
and cpv1.param_value = :requested_url
and cpv2.value_index = 2

-- that was pretty ugly; maybe we can encapsulate it in a view

create view redirects 
select cpv1.param_value as from_url, cpv2.param_value as to_url
  config_param_keys cpk, 
  config_param_values cpv1, 
  config_param_values cpv2
where cpk.config_param_key_id = cpv1.config_param_key_id
and cpk.config_param_key_id = cpv2.config_param_key_id
and cpk.key_name = 'redirect'
and cpv1.value_index = 1
and cpv2.value_index = 2

-- a couple of Oracle SQL*Plus formatting commands 
column from_url format a25
column to_url format a30

-- let's look at our virtual table now
select * from redirects;

FROM_URL                  TO_URL
------------------------- ------------------------------
/wtr/thebook/             /panda/

N-way joins notwithstanding, how tasteful is this approach to storing parameters? The surface answer is "extremely tasteful." All of our information is in the RDBMS where it belongs. There are no magic numbers in the code. The parameters are amenable to editing from admin pages that have the same form as all the other pages on the site: SQL queries and SQL updates. After a little more time spent with this problem, however, one asks "Why are we querying the RDBMS one million times per day for information that changes once per year?"

Questions of taste aside, an extra five to ten RDBMS queries per request is a significant burden on the database server, which is the most difficult part of an Internet application to distribute across multiple physical computers (see the "Scaling" chapter) and therefore the most expensive layer in which to expand capacity.

A good rule of thumb is that Web scripts shouldn't be querying the RDBMS to figure out what to do; they should query the RDBMS only for content and user data.

For reasonable performance, configuration parameters should be accessible to Web scripts from the Web server's virtual memory. Implementing such a scheme with a threaded Web server is pretty straightforward because all the code is executing within one virtual memory space:

A hash table is best because it offers O[1] access to the data, i.e., the time that it takes to answer the question "what is the value associated with the key 'foobar'" does not grow as the number of keys grows. In some hobbyist computer languages, built-in hash tables might be known as "associative arrays".

If you expect to have a lot of configuration parameters, it might be best to add a "section" column to the config_param_keys table and query by section and key. Thus, for example, you can have a parameter called "bug_report_email" in both the "discussion" and "user_registration" sections. The key to the hash table then becomes a composite of the section name and key name.

With Microsoft .NET

Configuration parameters are added to IIS/ASP.NET applications in the Web.config file for the application.

For example, if you place the following in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Web.config (assuming default IIS installation)

  <add key="publisherEmail"
   value="[email protected]" />
you will be able to access publisherEmail in a VB .aspx page as follows

Dim publisherEmail as String
publisherEmail = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings( "publisherEmail" )




For further information please contact us at <%= publisherEmail %>


By default, configuration settings apply to a directory and all its subdirectories. Also by default, these settings can be overridden by settings in Web.config files in the subdirectories. More elaborate rules for scoping and override behavior can be established using the <location> tag.


With Java Server Pages

The following is Jin S. Choi's recommendation for storing and accessing configuration parameters when using Java Server Pages.

Specify Parameter tags within the Context specification for your application in conf/server.xml. Example:

<Context path="/myapp" docBase="myapp" debug="0"
         reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
  <Parameter name="companyName" value="My Company, Inc."

You can also specify the parameter in the WEB-INF/web.xml file for your application:

  <param-value>My Company, Inc.</param-value>
The "override" attribute in the first example specifies that you do not want this value to be overridden by a context-param tag in the web.xml file. The default value is "true" (allow overrides).

To retrieve parameters from a servlet or JSP, you can call:



Exercise 1

Create a /doc/ directory on your team server. Create an index page in this directory that links to a development standards document (/doc/development-standards would be a reasonable URL but you can use whatever you like so long as it is clearly linked from /doc/).

In this development standards document, cover at least the following issues:

  1. naming of URLs: abstract versus non-abstract (bleah), dashes versus underscores (hard for many users to read), spelled out or abbreviated
  2. naming of URLs used in forms and form processing—will these be at the same URL or will a user working through a sequence of forms proceed /foo/bar, /foo/bar-1, /foo/bar-2, etc.
  3. RDBMS used
  4. computer languages used for Web scripts and procedural code within the RDBMS
  5. means of connecting to the RDBMS (libraries, bind variables, etc.)
  6. variable-naming conventions
  7. how to document a module
  8. how to document a shared procedure
  9. how to document a Web script (author, valid inputs)
  10. how Web form inputs are validated by scripts
  11. templating strategy chosen (if any)
  12. how to add a configuration variable and how to name it so that at least all parameters associated with a particular module can be identified quickly
Step back from your document before moving on to the next exercise. Ask yourself "If a new programmer joined this project tomorrow, and I asked her to build a surveys module, would she be able to be an effective consistent developer in my environment without talking to me?" Remember that a surveys module will require an extensive administrative interface for creation of surveys, questions, and possible answers, both admin and user interfaces for looking at results, and a user interface for answering surveys. If the answer to the question is "Gee, this new programmer would have to ask me a lot of questions", go back and make your development standards document more explicit and add some more examples.

Exercise 2

Document your team's intermodule API within the /doc/ directory, perhaps at /doc/intermodule-API, linked from the doc index page. Your strategy must be able to handle at least the following cases:

Protecting Users from Each Other's HTML

Fundamentally, the job of the server behind an online community is to take text from User A and display it to User B. Unfortunately, there is a security risk inherent in this activity. Suppose that User A is malicious and includes tags such as <SCRIPT> in a comment body? When User B visits the page containing this comment, suddenly JavaScript may be executing on his machine, downloading objectionable images from various locations around the Internet, playing music, popping up new windows, and ultimately forcing the user's browser to visit a page of User A's choosing.

The most obvious solution would seem to be disallowing all HTML tags. Any uploaded text is scanned for the characters < and > and, if those are present, the posting is rejected with an explanation. This wouldn't work out that well in a site for mathematicians! Maybe they need to use greater-than and less-than signs in their postings.

The beginning of a workable solution is a procedure, perhaps named something such as quoteHTML that takes a user-uploaded text string and performs the following conversions:

If your page scripts call this procedure any time they are writing user-uploaded content out to a browser, no browser will ever interpret user-uploaded data as an HTML tag.

That works great for fields such as first_names, last_name, street_address, subject summary lines, etc., where there is no value to having an HTML tag. For some longer documents obtained from users, however, it might be nice to enable them to use a restricted set of HTML tags such as B, I, EM, P, BR, UL, LI, etc. If you're going to store HTML in the database once and serve it back out thousands of times per day, it is better to check for legal tags at upload time. The problem with checking for disallowed tags such as SCRIPT, DIV, and FONT is that HTML keeps getting extended in de jure and de facto ways. Unless you want the responsibility of keeping current with all of the ways in which new HTML tags can make browsers behave, it may be better to check for approved tags. Either way, you'll want the allowed or disallowed tags list to be kept in an easy-to-modify configuration file. Further, you probably want to perform a bit of validation on the use of allowed tags such as B or I. A user who makes a mistake and forgets to close one of these tags might render 100 comments underneath in an unusual font style.

Exercise 3

Document your team's approach to preventing one user from attacking other users with malicious HTML. Your documentation of this infrastructure should include procedure names and examples of how those procedures are to be used.

Time and Motion

All of the exercises in this chapter are intended to be done by the team as a whole. A team that takes the assignment seriously should spend about 3 hours together agreeing to and documenting standards. They then might decide to rework some of their older code to conform to these standards, which could take another 5 or 10 programmer-hours. The second step is optional, though by the end of the course we would expect all the projects to be internally consistent.
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