The Xenu bookstore

100 Hot Books
[In Association with Earth's Biggest Bookstore,]
100 Hot CDs
Referral fees go to the Xenu fund, whose monies are kept by a trusted third person. Buy a book, improve your knowledge, make a gift to your loved ones, and help people who picket for the freedom of the mind at the same time! The Xenu fund will donate its monies to buy materials or services (e.g. picket signs, conference rooms, a bagpiper, etc) related to criticism of scientology. The price of the books is the same as if you would buy without using this web page.
[ Skepticism | Scientology | Weird groups | Magic Exposure | Philosophy | Humor | Computer Science | Scary Stuff | Science-Fiction | Children | Advice | Management | Cool Stuff | CDs | Videos ]


[Picture of scientologist with books]

Scientology and other dangerous groups

Weird groups

Magic exposure

Here are books that I have bought but not (yet) read:

Recreational philosophy


Computer Science

Scary stuff


For children and adults

Books that are useful

Management books

Cool stuff

Cool CDs

Videos (NTSC only!)

Books not on this list


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Simple: change the URL you get after you've found your book, e.g.
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